
Sunday Nov 02, 2014
Episode 70: The Bathroom Button
Sunday Nov 02, 2014
Sunday Nov 02, 2014

Tuesday Sep 30, 2014
Episode 69 - You Don't Ask Someone Else To Say Garwsh!
Tuesday Sep 30, 2014
Tuesday Sep 30, 2014
The Cast: Gary O'Brien, Cindy Jachrimo, Todd McCartney, Ian Mitchell, Melanie Bounds, John Yaglenski
- Frozen in Malestrom It's great and terrible and where are we going to wait in line?
- INTERCOT Consulting: The perfect queue. Beer cart, bathroom, then ride
- Frozen Bathrooms
- Old attractions to New
- Two words. Hydro. Later.
- Everybody generally agrees that all the songs used to be better in old EPCOT -Mainly because they were so funky baby.
- Take it or leave it: Tiered amenities. John has the tallies
- Back to old attractions
- If You Had Wings was free, so obviously it was the best according to dad
- MNSSHP-New additions-Amazing, Bowler hat guy, John Warner's amazing photos, New trick or treat stations, Villain soiree not so much
- Disney Bound
- #runICOT
- Cheering is as inspiring as running
- You don't ask someone else to say Garwsh! Goofy always does it.

Monday Sep 22, 2014
Episode 68: Gary Sells Out
Monday Sep 22, 2014
Monday Sep 22, 2014
- Talking Epcot again
- Marvel coming to Disneyland
- More FROZEN!
- Take it or leave it - Special Edition Magic Bands. Tried out during Star Wars Weekends. Frozen Bands have been circulating. Carol says leave it. Cindy says leave it too. Gary says leave it. Michael leave it. John leave it. Big Goose Egg.
- Carol suggests interchangeable cores for Magic Bands that you can switch to accessorize with your outfit. INTERCOT Consulting(tm). Fantastic idea!
- Silly Jasmine and Nathan - Gary Sells Out
- Villains Sinister Soiree - trying to see the value proposition by the time you pay for park admission, then special party that night, then special party for only a few hours. We do an economics lesson. $680 for 5 hours for a family of four.
- More Starbucks
- Drones in the parks
- #runICOT update

Saturday Aug 30, 2014
Episode 67: Blow It Up For Me Again James!
Saturday Aug 30, 2014
Saturday Aug 30, 2014

Monday Aug 11, 2014
Episode 66 - Crabby John Has Spoken
Monday Aug 11, 2014
Monday Aug 11, 2014
The INTERCOT Insider Live: Episode 66
Crabby John Has Spoken
The Cast: Cindy Jackrimo, Michael Montanez, Melanie Bounds, Ian Mitchell & John Yaglenski
Cindy joins the podcast for the first time
Have you been to the park for the opening ceremony? John's kids have opened the Magic Kingdom
Mel just got back from Disney World. Found the parks crowded in July - whoda thunk. Stayed at Caribbean Beach. Stayin Alive Canada meet.
Michael tries not to go past the Mississippi in the summer
Opening day at Diagon Alley and Mel was there. Her experiences.
Cindy stays at Cabana Bay Beach Resort @ Universal Orlando and gives us a review. There is a lazy river at a value resort! Cup sensors in use there too.
Take it or Leave it - Refillable Mugs. Melanie says take it. Cindy says leave it. Ian says leave it. John says leave it.
Tervis Tumblers
Photos taken and sent to your account in the parks without you asking.
Magic Bands should include pedometers and GPS.
Should be a fastpass line for parking.
Why don't magicbands auto add the AP discount? Instead you need a license and a separate card.
Fast Pass for standby lines - our collective heads are going to explode.
Richard Petty Driving Experience and Cars Experience. Cindy attended on behalf of the site.
Armed Forces Salute renewed again!
Frozen on board Disney Cruise line *(except the Dream)
Once Upon a Time on ABC
New Haunted Mansion Shop on the way.
Pin Collecting? Are you still doing it after all these years?
What did we learn? Going to do this every two weeks & crabby John has spoken. Don't buy mugs unless you are Mel. Mel hates this segment. Ian learned Mel is crabby when we do what did we learn. John learned it's Arendelle.

Saturday Jul 19, 2014
Episode 65 - Live From The Tri State Area
Saturday Jul 19, 2014
Saturday Jul 19, 2014
The Cast: Carol Robert, Melanie Bounds, Ian Mitchell, Gary O'Brien, Ian
- Carol is back!
- ICOT Sports Talk and Geography
- Harry Potter Stuff & Universal
- Buy your tickets from the Official Ticket Center & go for multiple days.
- Food at Universal Studios Orlando
- Cabana Bay Hotel - Calling Sammy Davis Junior
- Summer Road Trips & Magic Fingers. Holiday Inn & Howard Johnson's
- Our "Go-to" Hotels
- Dad, he's licking me!
- Carol doesn't like Florida
- Metro train lessons
- Melanie will be at Universal on Diagon Alley opening day
- Sounds Like Summer - ICOT Meet, flopping and flailing
- Pointe Orlando - Minus 5 Ice Bar review
- Frozen Summer Fun – Live at Disney’s Hollywood Studios
- John hasn't seen Frozen - Ian hasn't seen It's A Wonderful Life.
- Sounds like plush, but it's really paper. Flat Olaf
- Pal Olaf & Glow With the Show MagicBand - INTERCOT Consulting
- 300 Minute wait for Frozen Meet & Greet
- Making walk up FastPass reservations are nearly impossible now for good
- Gary in Space
- Take it or Leave It - DME, Mel Take, Gary Take, Carol Take, Christine
Take, Ian Take, John Leave.
- What did we learn?
- Goodbye Kasey Kasem - American Top 40. Weekends were made for it.
- Shane Gamble released "Beautiful Work" - Song going to radio in August!
John was an executive producer. We play it to close the show.
Brought to you by:
Magical Journey's
The Official Ticket Center

Saturday Jun 07, 2014
Episode 64 - Fonz Solo
Saturday Jun 07, 2014
Saturday Jun 07, 2014
The Cast: Ian Mitchell, Melanie Bounds, Gary O'Brien & John Yaglenski
Preshow: Ian is a crabby, crabby man.
- Let's learn about International Bitterness Units
- That's then, this is now. We recorded last week but posted it this week
and we're now recording again this week.
- Intercot Bitterness Units-Episode 63 was grouchy. John was going to edit
it down but he left it to be true to the way people feel about things sometimes.
- Mel's trip around Easter-Problems with linking in My Disney
Experience/My Magic Plus
- MDE/MMP guest relations, at least, are still good-very friendly, kind.
- When it works, MDE/MMP/Photo pass are great!
- Bands are wasteful, but you can totally match them with your outfit
- Ian refuses to be negative. Manages to be negative about being negative.
- Ian tells a completely hypothetical story about how you might miss a FP
time and don't use a FP you lose it. Can't use another.
- Mel feels the Easter crowd stories are exaggerated. Ian disagrees. No
one surprised.
- Gaston is great at everything
- Christine and Mel's Beer Adventure in EPCOT
- Vero Beach-what to do around town
- Beach vacations, take it or leave it?
- Two week vacations. Worth it? Oh yeah.
- Mel's great Animal Kingdom Adventure. Huge build up for nooks and
- DAK has some nice spots. No matter what they do Ian won't go.
- Ian doesn't let the family go to AK.
- Eat to the beat . Singing.
- Take it or leave it: Using FP for character meets. Gary: Bitterly leaves
it. Ian: Gives some weird past story of some video about 1972 that Ian shares,
blah blah blah. After 25 minutes of a story he leaves it. Mel: Takes it! She
would totally do it, despite John's shock. She'd do it to see Anna and Elsa.
Aladdin. John: The correct answer is.Leave it. Not wasting an FP on it. John
forces us out of the segment by playing the music
- New Tinkberbell greeting.
- The Kitchen Sink has moved beyond Beaches and Cream at three places I
couldn't hear because connection crapped out.
- Mickey's sink pants, take it or leave it?
- Ian and Mel are not fans of sharing food.
- Dole Whips at AK
- Where is the refreshment stand by the Tiki Room? John and Mel have a
very intense discussion about how to get very specific refreshments into the
Tiki Room with them.
- Starbucks in DTD.
- Castaway Cay Run Disney Challenge
- RunICOT-We'll all be there. Events are all almost all full, but Cheer
ICOT is all open.
- Back to Castaway Cay-John explains. Half and full marathon still open, 5
and 10K only open via large charities.
- Holiday party tickets on sale.
- Gary bores everyone with comic book stuff.
- Fonz Solo
- John's smoke detector is connected to Skynet.
- Ian closes the show by complaining. No one is surprised.
Brought to you by:
Magical Journey's
The Official Ticket Center

Sunday May 25, 2014
Episode 63 - Numbers With Ian
Sunday May 25, 2014
Sunday May 25, 2014

Tuesday Apr 29, 2014
Episode 62 - Once Upon A Vine at Bardwalk
Tuesday Apr 29, 2014
Tuesday Apr 29, 2014
The Cast: Christine Warner, Melanie Bounds, Ian Mitchell, & John Yaglenski
- The
Return of Gary - It's GARY!
- Singing Starts...
- March Madness Disney Style - INTERCOT Consulting: we needed
pins or t-shirts!
- Seven Dwarfs Mine Train - INTERCOT will be covering.
John's invitation got lost - was later found mailed to the
wrong address. No soft openings?
- FastPass+ Changes - lots of new things coming
- Konami Code gets a reference
- Mel loves ET
- Once Upon A Vine - wonderful wine!
- #runICOT and #cheerICOT - Coming to Marathon Weekend in
- John ran his first 5k in a Vineyard!
- ROYGBIV pack - pink, purple, cyan and lime for #runICOT
- Gary says he'll go if John agrees to run a 5k and a 10k -
this is epic. Mel, John, Ian and Gary are ALL in!
- That's Not A Pillow!!!!
- Take It or Leave It - Staying off property. Ian says leave
it. Gary says leave it. John says take it as does Mel.
- We loose Ian and BOOM he's back
- Jon Pinette passes away
- Small World 50th Anniversary
- D-tech Me returns for Star Wars Weekends. Breakfast with the Characters
from the movie. Mark Hamill will be there too!
- Kouzzina closing at Boardwalk
- Bardwalk and the Shakespeare Theme Park
- Oswald debuts in park.
- What have we learned?

Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Episode 61 - Give 'Em a ROY G BIV Pack
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
The Cast - Christine Warner, Melanie Bounds, Ian Mitchell, John Yaglenski
- Guess Who reference gets us started
- New Festival of Fantasy parade - our twitter account killed it today with incredible shots. Follow us on twitter @intercot. Christine gives a complete rundown.
- See the full parade on our YouTube channel: http://youtu.be/geyksDpqAwo
- Flower and Garden festival opens
- The Guess Who show was great!
- The Cheshire Cafe - White Chocolate Rabbit!
- John's blind auction story. Controversy follows him around.
- Water is gone in the Magic Kingdom.
- RunDisney and #runICOT events and the price of events.
- #runICOT is going to run to support THYCA (www.thyca.org) and Thyroid Cancer Awareness and Survivors. Registration will open April 22, 2014 at Noon EST for the Walt Disney World® Marathon Weekend! Details coming soon.
- Goodbye to a national hero - Wild Bill Guarnere from Band of Brothers.
- Take It or Leave It! Turkey Legs and Bubble Gum. Mel - Bubble Gum Yes, Turkey Legs No. Christine - Turkey Legs and the sticks No, Bubble Gum Yes. Ian - Turkey Legs No, Gum No. John - Turkey Legs No, Gum Yes.
- Travolta Screw Ups - Frozen.
- Rock Your Disney Side.
- Hub Reconfiguation - Big changes coming.
- Starbucks in Downtown Disney
- Star Wars Weekends and Special Fireworks!
- Fantasmic - How old is it? Can we get some HD projectors and new content?

Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
Episode 60 - The Trash Can Said Talk To My Agent
Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
The Cast: Christine Warner, Melanie Bounds, Ian Mitchell, Shane Gamble & John Yaglenski
- Media Preview Event, Seven Dwarfs Mine Coaster
- Our first podcast fire
- 4 Parks / 1 Day - Christine's Adventure
- Shane Gamble's experience with Magic Bands, bad shoes, and the electric slide.
- PUSH contract not renewed - lots of bad jokes ensue.
- Fire at Voyage of the Little Mermaid
- #runICOT updates, thanks for the charity suggestions. John is leaning towards running Marathon Weekend in support of Thyroid Cancer Awareness but we are still looking for a site charity.
- Shane Gamble Live in the INTERCOT Studio! Performs "Turn My Way" - available on Itunes, Amazon, XBox music and all major online stores.
- Shane is doing a pledge drive on Pledge Music right now. For only $10, you can preorder his upcoming album including the song "Beautiful Work". Visit http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/shanegamble and http://www.shanegamble.com for more info!
- Just about had it with Winter!
- Flower and Garden Festival "Outdoor Kitchens"
- Flower Power Concert Series - Our annual singing and we fail miserably. And for the record, it wasn't Giorgio Moroder, it was Jacques Morali, a French composer. John is psyched - The Alan Parsons Project is coming!
- Shane Gamble comes back and plays "Beautiful Work" - an amazing new track from his upcoming CD. We ALL get the sentiment! Mel made her pledge while Shane was singing.
- Jammin' Jungle parade going bye bye
- New MK Parade - Festival of Fantasy (the floats and costumes look fantastic)
- Bounds, James Bounds
- Flower Power Concert Series
- Take it or leave it - Queue Waits 30 minutes or longer. Ian says No, No! Christine says Take It! Mel says NO! Christine says, no big deal - Take It! John says Take It!
- Paris gets Ratatouille Inspired Area/Ride. Sounds interesting. Will similar attractions come to other parks?
- We talk about potential rides and attractions for Epcot and what might fit in.
- Welcome Home John!
- John Henson's passing
- isabevigodadead.com

Wednesday Jan 29, 2014
Episode 59 - The Line For Goofy Was Too Long
Wednesday Jan 29, 2014
Wednesday Jan 29, 2014

Thursday Jan 02, 2014
Episode 58 - Ian's Got A Toque On, Gary's Got The Anorak
Thursday Jan 02, 2014
Thursday Jan 02, 2014

Monday Oct 28, 2013
Episode 57 - Really Realistic Swirling Animals
Monday Oct 28, 2013
Monday Oct 28, 2013

Tuesday Oct 01, 2013
Episode 56 - Go To Disneyland!
Tuesday Oct 01, 2013
Tuesday Oct 01, 2013

Monday Sep 02, 2013

Tuesday Aug 20, 2013
Episode 54 - Lightning and Flash Cubes
Tuesday Aug 20, 2013
Tuesday Aug 20, 2013

Thursday Jul 25, 2013
Episode 53 - It's A Snoozer
Thursday Jul 25, 2013
Thursday Jul 25, 2013

Monday Jul 01, 2013
Episode 52 - Not The Sun But The Moon Princess ImaLamma
Monday Jul 01, 2013
Monday Jul 01, 2013
The INTERCOT Insider Live Podcast
Episode 52 - Not The Sun But The Moon Princes ImaLama
The Cast: Melanie Bounds, Carol Robert, Christine Warner, Ian Mitchell, John Yaglenski
- We Talk About The Weather - How Original. Andrea storm and music.
- 24 Hour Monstrous Summer Kickoff and review.
- Park Ticket price increases - $5 more for Magic Kingdom, Universal Prices.
- Universal unveils Transformers Ride & Simpson's Springfield.
- Grand Floridian DVC on sale, Ian sells his DVC.
- Debate on using points for cruises.

Monday Jun 10, 2013
Episode 51 - Bring Back Old Cinderella
Monday Jun 10, 2013
Monday Jun 10, 2013
The Cast: Christine Warner, Michael Montanez, Ian Mitchell, Gary O'Brien & John Yaglenski - Crazy Eddie's Chistmas in May - Twitter rumours involving helecopters and Harrison Ford got out of control - of course not true. - #RunICOT - Expedition Everest Challenge. Christine said it didn't live up to last years event. - Disney Parks to Kick Off a ‘Monstrous Summer’ With 24 Hours of Magic on Both Coasts. New parade in 2014. - More cool merchandise is on the way - Duffy the Disney Bear Sully. - Vinylmation jumping the shark? - Limited Time Magic vs. Year of a Million Dreams and a Castle Stay Mention - John gets our new segment Take It or Leave It! - Update of Disney Magic - cool new stuff on the way. - MonsterRail - Time is now to update Reflections of Earth - INTERCOT's Take It or Leave It - Limited Time Events. John - Leave It, not a fan. Ian agrees with John - Leave It. Michael is digging Limited Time Events and says Take It. Christine says Leave It - even locals don't have enough notice to make plans. Gary says it's useless and Leaves It. The tribe has spoken ant it's 4-1 Leave It. - Ian's Trip Re-Cap

Thursday May 09, 2013
Episode 50 - By The Time I Sneezed We Were Toast
Thursday May 09, 2013
Thursday May 09, 2013
The Cast: Christine Warner, Melanie Bounds, Gary O'Brien, Ian Mitchell & John Yaglenski - Sports seasons & the rise of Lacrosse. - RunDisney blowout sales of marathon weekend. By the time I sneezed, we were toast. We want a Churro 5k, Tequila 5k... - We discuss our ailments. Sounding like old people. - Magical Journey's special for current bookings. - Annette Funicello's passing. - Mickey Mouse club reboot circa 1977 - AK 15th Anniversary coming up. - Car games while driving. Sneaking into drive-in movies and other fun stuff including the Cutting Crew. - Prime Pick of the Week: 30th Anniversary Edition of Sports by Huey Lewis http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00C1SBBJ8/intercotcom - Best Of Memorable INTERCOT moment. Ian's best of is the 15th Anniversay Trivia Meet. Melanie says the Baltimore meet years ago. Gary goes back to 2000 and watching the server. Christine touches on the community aspect and how she was stunned by support of our members in her time of need. John remembers the beginning of Discussion Boards. - Sounds like summer dates announced! BEEGEES 'a coming in the form of Stayin' Alive Canada. Mel and Ian are non-plussed. - Flower garden wrapping up soon. Was it a hit with food kiosks? Dole Whip with Rum! - APs get RFID--finally! Crabby John doesn't like it. - IRON Man 3 and IronManorail

Friday Apr 12, 2013
Episode 49 - Gotta Put The Gators Somewhere
Friday Apr 12, 2013
Friday Apr 12, 2013
The Cast: Christine, Carol, Melanie, Ian and John - Big News, Disney Unveils Vision for Disney Springs - Do you like the new name? - The Dogs interrupt the show - We go over the new layout of Downtown Disney - DVC points going thru the roof! Visit the Timeshare Store! - Mr Rogers, Captain Kangaroo and more - Food Trucks at Downtown Disney? - Why is there no place to go late at night in Disney? Besides Jellyrolls - RFID Card exchanges - Vera Bradley purses - New minimum age for park entry - January #runICOT event - April 9th registration opens - Carol mocks John and his lack of reservation planning - Best of Favorite Disney Movie. Carol - Little Mermaid, Christine - Mary Poppins, Melanie - Pirates of the Carribean, Ian - Cars, John - The Lion King. - We need a new recurring segment - we're running out of ideas - Ian has not seen It's a Wonderful Life! - Flower and Garden

Monday Mar 11, 2013
Episode 48 - Get Out Of The Line!
Monday Mar 11, 2013
Monday Mar 11, 2013
The Cast: Melanie Bounds, Carol Robert, Ian Mitchell, Gary O'Brien, John Yaglenski - We talk Coffee and welcome Joffrey's to Walt Disney World. It goes on for a while. We actually start things on a positive note. - Mel went to Asia. How about that. - New Big Thunder Mountain Queue. - We talk Mork from Ork. - Queue the movie, Fastpass the movie, Busses the movie! - Interactive Queue's - where does it end. - Get out of the line! Carol is scared of the my plus magic doodad. - Monorail Red is Back and unwrapped. - Beautifully Disney Cosmetics - Omnimover boat ride - Downtown Disney - AGAIN. Disney Springs? - And we're BACK! - Best of Resort Lobby. Gary goes with Wilderness Lodge, Carol says the Grand Californian, Mel prefers the Disneyland Hotel, Ian goes fru-fru at the Grand Floridian, and John likes Boardwalk. - Resort ID cards, dedicated Monorail cars, the guard shacks. - Downtown Disney resorts - Star Wars, Han Solo and more. - Disneyland - the girls detail their trips and experiences from their recent visit. World of Color, Starbucks, attention to details, the big wheel and more. - Spectromagic returning or not? - New Run Disney Forum - Segway Tour eliminated - Rain songs

Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Episode 47 - Half a Podcast is Better Than None
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
The Cast: Michael Montanez, Christine Warner, Gary O'Brien, Ian Mitchell & John Yaglenski - Ian is in lean back mode to start the show - Tweeting from both coasts - Disneyland vs. Disney World... again - Random sounds confuse us - Tony Baxter retiring and will be used as a consultant. - New Pirate Adventure coming to Adventureland - Brady Bunch mention - Wilderness Explorers - like KidCot for Animal Kingdom - Check into the Yeti is Down on Foursquare - Talking Movies. Star Wars 7 and JJ Abrams. Tomorrowland the movie? OZ is coming. Muppets Again in 2014. Saving Mr. Banks. - The second half of the show was unlistenable - something happened audio wise and unfortunately, will join the fabled lost episode in things that were great but never made it to air. Sorry!

Monday Feb 04, 2013
Episode 46 - I Don't Follow The Baseball
Monday Feb 04, 2013
Monday Feb 04, 2013
The INTERCOT Insider Live Episode 46 – I Don’t Follow The Baseball The Cast: Michael Montanez, Christine Warner, Gary O’Brien, Ian Mitchell, John Yaglenski - Cranky old people complaining about how cold it is - Gary was selling his new product - Athletic Trainer Plus (athletictrainerplus.com) and the kerning is beautiful - This year’s D23 and Alan Parsons. Michael is planning a breakfast - My Magic Plus formally announced and there’s a lot of details to go over - Michael wants the magic bands to zap you when you do something dumb - Christine is apprehensive about how all this will work for AP holders/locals - Wrist band should light up to shows and parades – thank you to INTERCOT Consulting - A Logan’s Run reference by Gary - classic - Prime Pick - Down and Out In The Magic Kingdom: http://www.amazon.com/Down-Magic-Kingdom-Cory-Doctorow/dp/076530953X/intercotcom - Best of Place to Have a Meal at a Great Price. Michael says Tomorrowland Terrace, Christine goes with Columbia Harbor House, Capn’ Tom – Errr, Gary likes some lunch at the Flame Tree Grill, Ian picks the Kona Café, John’s value is a hot dog the size of his head at Casey’s or the Yorkshire County Fish Shop. - We get sidetracked by the Calgon commercial - RunDisney and Jeff Galloway, New Balance shoes and merchandise. - Mary Poppins the Musical - Universal Mardi Gras Celebration – Concerts - Disney management shuffling, reorganization - Mickey and the Magical Map at Disneyland

Friday Dec 28, 2012
Episode 45 - The Holiday Edition
Friday Dec 28, 2012
Friday Dec 28, 2012
The Cast: Gary, Carol, Ian, Mel, Christine, Michael, John - Everyone is in the Holiday mood and Michael corrects John - John opens his present - Kerning Matters - Michaels Trip to Disneyland, Carsland looks great. - The mythical cherry churro comes up again - Mel with a Disneyland Tokyo mention - Candlelight Processional Disneyland style and comparing shows - Starbucks in Disneyland - Christmas Ornaments - How much of your tree do Disney items take up - Holiday Merchandise - John rants about mixing LCD lights and incandescent lights - Talk about Hawaii - Spiraling - Do You Hear What I Hear by request - GO BUY IT! - Best of 2012 Disney Memory. Michael: Going to ICOT15, Carol: Staying at the Grand Californian, Christine: Canada Staying Alive, Mel: Pricesses Half Marathon, Gary: ICOT15 Trivia Meet, Ian: (Castle Mention) Family trip at Boardwalk, John: Disney Fantasy cruise with his family - Ms. Tick Tock had an issue and had her battery removed - Count your blessings - hug your kids - Press opening of Fantasyland - Thanks to Disney for inviting us! Dragon, Jack down, broke down on Test Track, Splitsville, AOA Lion king rooms & Resort Mrrch NIke polos, busses, Whats new/next - Around the world - Avatarland Still on - Girls in NYC - Guest Relations experience compared to florida. - Kodak sponsorship ending - Philharmagic, muppetvision, Imagination etc. - Twitters and Facebooks - Ian complains about the festiveness - Christmas/Holiday plans

Sunday Dec 23, 2012
Episode 44 - Sometimes You Have to Get Ugly to Be Pretty
Sunday Dec 23, 2012
Sunday Dec 23, 2012
Sometimes You Have To Get Ugly To Be Pretty The Cast: Mel, Carol, Christine, Gary, Michael, Ian & John - Cranky John in the house and Mel goes right after him - Incandescent twinkle lights - Fantasyland, the media event and Ian’s castle, Beer, Duffy and Disney Sea - Test Track POV – catch it at http://www.youtube.com/intercot - Crazy new audio animatronic, yet the Yeti is still down - Christine’s lunch review of Be Our Guest - Discussion of food at Disney Parks - Apparently Swatch still exists - Michael wants supersized Dumbo - Bathroom news! - Tables in Wonderland huge price increase - Food booths coming to Downtown Disney - Capn’ Jack cupcake - Tin Can Mel joins us for the second half – her headphones broke - Best of things we’ve look forward to opening – did they live up to the hype! Mel chooses Soarin’. Michael says Animal Kingdom and the glorious Yeti, Christine surprises us with a HOODA - the bleachers at Fantasmic, Gary says Animal Kingdom too, John goes with Epcot park opening. Ian goes with – wait for it – The Year of a Million Dreams and his Castle stay. - We argue over the birthplace of aviation - The customer service gate keepers that keep us from enjoying our vacation and life in general. Michael & John share their experiences.

Monday Dec 03, 2012
Episode 43 - The Return of Darth Chinwattle
Monday Dec 03, 2012
Monday Dec 03, 2012
The Cast: John, Carol, Christine, Michael, Gary & Ian - Wine & Dine Half Marathon and what's a Swolphin? - Food and Wine festival - Starbucks coming to Walt Disney World - controversy on main street - John was ill during the big day - The Bathrooms in the Living Seas Salon - garlicly - and more bathroom talk - Churro cart needs to be parked in front of the castle & the mythical cherry churro - Art of Animation Resort - Thumbs up from John, Ian and Gary with one huge TURRIBLE exception - the food courts. Something needs to be done. It's the least magical part of your vacation. - The frustration of trying to get home during SuperStorm Sandy - Coffee in the room - Disney purchases Darth Chinwattle's empire. INTERCOT Consulting has a plan to redo the studios. Gary offers his services. - Phone discussion. John says naked phones and things devolve from there. - Best of - Waste of Space suggested by iDisney. Carol says pleasure island. Christine's says the Odyssey at Epcot. Ian says Wonders of Life at Epcot. Michael thinks the area between the Seas and Imagination is a concrete mess. Gary stays in Epcot and names the Outpost. John wants a resort between the TTC and the Contemporary. - Prime Pick of the Week - Microsoft Surface Tablet - Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow at Disney's Hollywood Studios - Mermaids in Pirates of the Caribbean ride and what happened to the waterfall sounds at the beginning of the ride? Is it broke? Where is ghost monkey? - Effects on rides that are not working. - Customer Service in all aspects of life - Carol talks about Disney running the monorail for INTERCOT guests alone. THAT'S Magical - Wi-Fi in the parks - Carol subs for Mel ***** Brought to you by: Magical Journey's The Official Ticket Center *****

Friday Nov 09, 2012
Episode 42 - The INTERCOT 15th Anniversary Celebration LIVE
Friday Nov 09, 2012
Friday Nov 09, 2012
The Cast: Mel, Carol, Christine, Ian, Gary, John - Poolside at the Contemporary Resort & FrankenStorm. - Ian and John go to Universal and Ian is Impressed. Butter Beer, Wizarding World, The Mummy and More. - Friday's Events, we get a big surprise to start the day at the Magical Journey's Trivia Meet - Happy Birthday to Lawrence – our youngest member. - The order of the meets and another Birthday Celebration at Carousel of Progress - Dinner was a festival of Meat. Bacon with a side of bacon. - Revenge of the Dolls – we filled the whole queue & the fourth boat never returned. - MNSSHP. - New Fantasyland – ride video on our YouTube channel http://youtube.com/intercot - Fireworks Meet in the Rose Garden and on to the Wave. - INTERCOT Consulting Strikes again – The PartyRail - Saturday Events, going backstage and the big event. We don’t care about the napkins but we need both crisp and floppy bacon. - A few people got a second ride on Soarin’ - Great stroller race – it’s on video and should be coming soon to the YouTube channel. A testimonial for Strollers & Groceries. Great Service. - Small World Mexico and Tequila. - Gary’s Column and the column police. - John almost ruins the surprise by buying a Helly Hanson sweatshirt. - 2 gigs are not enough & Ian doesn’t know his Geography very well. - Ice Cream Beer was a huge hit. Grey Goose Slushy? - Peter Brady makes an appearance - The evening meet at Norway. Duffy had a Red Bull. - Jellyrolls - Had to edit Ian and his suggested t-shirt idea - INTERCOT’s Best Of – INTERCOT 15. The audience goes first. Ian says the entire time but gets called on that… so he goes with when John gets verclempt. Carol goes with the crowd being escorted to Soarin’. Mel picks the Star Tours meet. Christine’s favorite was meeting an INTERCOT follower who wasn’t at the meet. Gary says it’s the friends he hung out with and some he finally got to meet in person. John says it’s the members of INTERCOT and the event of a whole. - And, we’re out…

Thursday Oct 18, 2012
Episode 41 - The Space Time Continuum
Thursday Oct 18, 2012
Thursday Oct 18, 2012
The INTERCOT Insider Live Episode 41 The Space Time Continuum The Cast: Melanie, Ian, Gary, Christine, John
- Chilly on the East Coast – We’re talking about weather?
- Smithsonian Magazine online had a great blog on Epcot & we discuss our love for the park and it’s problems - http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/paleofuture/2012/10/revisiting-epcot-center-on-its-30th-birthday/ - Future World Fonts get a mention. Fireworks on the INTERCOT homepage.
- Christine in the Tower of Terror 10k –with pneumonia. Reports there were a few logistical issues.
- INTERCOT 15th Anniversary Celebration, YETI T-shirts fastest selling product ever.
- CapnTom is now on twitter @capntomicot
- Magic Shots coming via Photo Pass. The ghosts will appear in the photo
- What item is most photographed? Maybe a future best of.
- Seriously? A Castle mention? Again? Shut it.
- Characters moving and a Big Bird mention
- The Space Time Continuum
- Big Headed Epcot Dolls
- Best of Attraction Narrator - suggested by Biffco – Melanie enjoys Mark Twain – American Adventure. Ian – Paul Frees, Christine loves Patrick Warburton. Gary likes Gary Senesce in Mission Space. John says either Walter Cronkite or Jeremy Irons on Spaceship Earth.
- We come up with the next big Million Dollar Idea for Disney. Tip of the hat to INTERCOT Consulting Group LLC. Modern way to sell attraction music. It’s called DISNEY SHAZAM! Disney Music on Demand.
- More Castle talk. We’re not kidding. We think the stay in the castle should remain permanent
- Disneyland Happiness Year in Tokyo Disneyland
- Bitter Mel shows up yet again
- Characters in Flight new balloon
- Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom and new merchandise
- Storybook Circus
- Yeti Video? It’s a possibility

Tuesday Oct 02, 2012
Episode 40 – The Birds Got Me Dressed
Tuesday Oct 02, 2012
Tuesday Oct 02, 2012
Recorded September 24, 2012 The Cast: Gary, Carol, Mel, Michael, John
- We've been doing this for 2 years now - whoda thunk it. The lost episode comes up yet again!
- Be Our Guest Discussion. Alcohol in the Magic Kingdom for the first time ever (other than after hours private events). Disney changes policy. Does it open the door to alcohol at more locations or not?
- The INTERCOT 15th Anniversary Celebration... its right around the corner. We are anticipating things being a big blur. We'll be taping a podcast to wrap up the weekend at the Contemporary Pool Snack Bar.
- Chocolate Covered Bacon and a Virtual High Five!
- Pirates of the Caribbean additions – possibly from On Stranger Tides. Just swapping out mist projection. Kids and scary rides. Disneyland vs. Disney World version.
- Chase Lounge at the Food and Wine Festival.
- Gary and the puppet.
- The Yeti is Down shirts are coming and the INTERCOT bear. Tawney. Pete. Stuffy. Cotty. Geo. INTERScott. We need a name and a backstory on how the INTERCOT bear met Duffy.
- INTERCOT’s Best Of - something you want to do at Disney that you need special permission for. DisneyKidSince1970 suggested the topic. Carol volunteers to go first and she wants to go into Walt’s Apartment alone. Michael wants to run a churro cart but only for a limited time and challenges the validity of the Cherry Churro. Gary wants to sit alone on Main Street USA and watch the sunrise while having a cup of coffee (Ian ruined it). Melanie wants access behind all the construction walls. John wants to stand on top of Spaceship Earth and appear in a promo video.
- The world is coming to an end – John watched Phineas and Ferb.
- Sally and Jack at Downtown Disney but only for about 3 days.
- Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party – video on http://youtube.com/intercot.
- Epcot 30 arrives and the events are a bit underwhelming. Horizons Resurrected on the other hand is doing something super cool… http://horizonsresurrected.com/2012/09/09/e30-event-update/.
- Space Shuttle flying over Walt Disney World and Disneyland.
- Costumes at American Adventure.
- Art of Animation – all sections are now open.
- Disney Magic in the Lone Star State – complete with 10 gallon hat.
- Wreck it Ralph coming soon and classic arcade games.
***** Brought to you by: Magical Journey's The Official Ticket Center *****

Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Episode 39 - The Ladies Love Cetera
Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Sunday Sep 16, 2012
The INTERCOT Insider Live Podcast - Episode 39 The Ladies Love Cetera - The ladies love Cetera and a welcome to Christine Warner. - The Fantasyland expansion. Christine gets a preview and walks us thru the new attraction in great detail. - Gary is vidicated. - Olivanders Wand Shop/Show - Mrs. Tick Tock fail & Miagi Says - Avatarland scrapped or on hold? Rumours are flying. Ian thinks it will never see the light of day. - Universal and their expansion, Disney Studios Expansion. - INTERCOT's Best Of - Breakfast. Christine: Whispering Canyon. Ian: Chef Mickey's. Carol:Kona. Gary: Akershus. Melanie Ohana. John: Sara Lee Bakery. - INTERCOT 15th Anniversary Celebration, Duffy T-shirt - Show and Tell - Ian wants 20 new BEST OF suggestions - Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party - Lion King Rooms at Art of Animation Resort. Carol is not a fan. The crew likes the Nemo and Cars rooms. The decor confuses us a bit. - Mel's going back for some more Run Diney. - Gary and the POV cam. - Fantasmic adding seating & rumours. world of Color a good fit? -Kilamanjaro Safari's welcoming new Zebra space - Check out our YouTube channel with lots of new video at http://www.youtube.com/intercot - The podcast slowly grinds to a halt. It's time to go... - We talk about the new Test Track - Prime pick of the week - Lionel Richie's new album - http://goo.gl/2cS04

Tuesday Sep 04, 2012
Episode 38 - A Porkstravaganza
Tuesday Sep 04, 2012
Tuesday Sep 04, 2012
The Cast: Ian, Melanie, Carol, Michael, Gary & John - The singing starts early - Celebrate the Magic - new night time show coming to Magic Kingdom Park at Walt Disney World. Magic Memories and You going away. - Ian cries at Finding Nemo the Musical - NOT MY DAD! - The INTERCOT 15 and other assorted stuff. Buy INTERCOT's single - the Yeti is Down on iTunes featuring Capn' Tom. - Halloween Merchandise showing up in the parks. - The INTERCOT Countdown Timer & INTERCOT's YouTube Channel. We discuss video on the site. - Splash Mountain leaving Extra Magic Hours - Country Bears Shortening Show? California Grill going down for lengthy rehab. - The Be our Guest mess... advanced dining reservations. You're a resort guest and can't even eat at your own restaurant. - Best of Resort Pool thanks to Tiggeria. Carol chooses the Polynesian. John recalls the pool back in the early days of Disney World, swimming in the 7 seas lagoon and the wave generator. Ian prefers Stormalong Bay. Mel goes with Corando Springs. Gary thinks the Wilderness Lodge is a good choice. Michael looks forward to the Monorail pool completion. John decides to go with the Contemporary circle pool for nostalgia reasons or any quiet pool at any resort. - Enchanted Tales with Belle looks very cool. Ian is about 10 minutes behind. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XFIzIx08X4&feature=share&list=SP7C23A7E41055A9F9 - Frost Fairy Perriwinle coming to Disney Parks. Gary thinks she's hot. - Phineas and Ferb & YOU: A Brand New Reality - The Imagination Rainbow Tunnel - Mel and John share memories. - Keep Moving Forward Epcot Segway Tour. We suggest a level 200 class for those going for a second ride. - Classic INTERCOT Podcast technical glitch. The deluge... - Last Phase of Art of Animation Opening - INTERCOT Fantasy Football League - We salute Neil Armstrong - Prime - A Man on the Moon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000CDG8JW/intercotcom

Thursday Aug 16, 2012
Episode 37 - The Ballad of the Yeti
Thursday Aug 16, 2012
Thursday Aug 16, 2012

Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
Episode 36 - A Fresh New Me
Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
The Cast: Melanie, Michael, Jeff, Gary, John - Ian is on Vacation and Carol is without power - again - DCA opened and we didn't get invited - The light up ears at World of Color - http://youtu.be/TbxkrpWu7hQ - Merchandise or Cars Land - you decide - Starbucks! - Michael has rules about his hoodies - Merchandise quality is improving - Is the trolly at DCA transportation - did Melanie add a new rule? - DCA attracting NASCAR fans? - Radiator Springs Racers review - Junkyard Jamboree review - Handwich at the Cozy Cone - Rehabbed Bobsleds at the Matterhorn - INTERCOT's Best Of "Ride Your Family or Friends Think You Are Crazy for Loving." Melanie likes the Living With The Land, Golden Zephyr is Michael's secret favorite. Jeff goes with Journey Into Your Imagination. Gary says Storytime with Belle. John giggles with the Laugh Floor Comedy Club. Meg wins a signed CD. - Fastpass expanding again? - Jonah Adkins small world map. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6sxn5DCK11qfw9vbo1_r2_1280.jpg - John's cruise out of Baltimore on Carnival, stop at Disney, Atlantis Waterpark rules. - Jeff's trip to Sea World and Disney World. The Balad of the Yeti - coming to a podcast near you. What's open or closed? - Agent P's Adventure - INTECOT's 15th Anniversary Celebration - I15. 4 days worth of events. See the INTERCOT.com homepage. - Mel impersonates - Shane Gamble's album drops September 18, the first single "Turn My Way" plays us out. Be sure to check him out online at http://www.shanegamble.com and buy his new album. See the podcast thread for the winners of the contest! The INTERCOT Insider Live Podcast is brought to you by: Magical Journeys and The Official Ticket Center

Saturday Jul 07, 2012
Episode 35 - You're All Very Special
Saturday Jul 07, 2012
Saturday Jul 07, 2012
The INTERCOT Insider Live Podcast
Episode 35- You're All Very Special
The Cast: Mel, Carol, Nanci, John, Ian, Jeff
- Seriously? Carol? Hello? Ok, she was on mute - Gary emails in and calls John sexy - Art of Animation Resort opens - Mel Cylon's out and everyone is afraid to mention it - Underwater conversations - Ticket price increase - Character Meet to replace Camp Mini Mickey? Was John right? - Cars Land opening - Despicable Me @ Universal - Latest Fantasyland information and opening times - Dumbo pagers, Ian guarantees lines even with two Dumbos - We grumble about meet and greets and being net one ride - Next podcast - 10 copies of Shane Gamble's CD to give away at random to those who suggest topics for Best Of - INTERCOT's Best of Ride Experience That Didn't Go As Planned. Carol broke down on Space Mountain. Mel, Body Wars, Barf and Elizabeth Shue mention, Jeff stuck on Carousel of Progress, Nanci rides Haunted Mansion with someone else's child, Ian stuck on Alice in Wonderland, John recalls riding up front on the Epcot line and the driver repeatedly honking the horn - Adventures by Disney in 2013 - Glow with the Show Mickey ears - Buying tickets with your smartphone - Duffy dad's day shirt - Horizons mention - Epcot 30th Anniversary Celebration - Marathon/Run Disney News - Snow White mention - Victoria & Alberts - no one on the podcast has been there - Sign up for i15 special event is now online

Friday Jun 08, 2012
Episode 34 - Running Over The Speedway Rails
Friday Jun 08, 2012
Friday Jun 08, 2012
The Cast: Ian, Gary, Melanie & John Talking to Ian live at Boardwalk in Room 4041 Fantasyland looks nice but not much open Bathrooms in Fantasyland - Reclaimed water? What's the deal? Double Dumbo in place AvengeRail Redux Flower & Garden Festival - Epcot looks great Snow White had a line and woo hoo - a meet and greet coming Body Wars still there? The Astuter Computer Show Free "High Speed" Internet Fork and Screen at Downtown Disney The Avengers INTERCOT's Best of Section of a Park At Night - Ian says the Bridge between France and England, Gary goes with Gary's Column, Melanie is a fan of Liberty Square and John goes with Future World between Imagination and the Seas. Ian says buh-bye Star Wars Weekend and the Han Solo thing Who is the most famous celbrity you have met in the parks Animal Kingdom 5k Run Disney 20th Anniversary of the Walt Disney World Marathon John gets massively confused as to which Speedway INTERCOT's 15th Anniversary Celebration this October 25-28 Busch Gardens VerBolten

Thursday May 17, 2012
Episode 33 - We Crank Because We Care
Thursday May 17, 2012
Thursday May 17, 2012
The INTERCOT Insider Live Podcast Episode 33 - We Crank Because We Care The Cast: Ian, Melanie, Gary & John - Unfortunately, we didn't make our deadline - Sports talk starts the show and a Bake McBride reference - John got sick - NextGen latest rumors - cutting wait times? - What's wrong with being spontaneous - Was this really Walt's vision? - Eisner's vision - Levels of frustration & what's a vacation - The Disney evangelists - Do the people really want NextGen? - The simplicity of an old theme park experience & Knobels Grove - Crowds all the time - Florida Orange Bird - A hologram of Anita Bryant - We rehash the merchandising debate and are hopeful of the direction clothing wise - Poo poo and eating your words - DVC @ Fort Wilderness, Gary has feelings - he says leave it alone - STOLPort - check it out on Google Earth says Gary - DVC in the parks? Disney’s America mention - Ian staying in the castle - AGAIN - Staying in the Haunted Mansion & Haunted Mansion themed rooms? - Mel stayed in a Pirates Room and gives a review - Test Track refurb - the horrible Test Track All-Stars acapella group covering the closure. - A clown making balloon animals would be more entertaining. - John approves of the kerning in the new Test Track logo - Gary suggests a cross promotion with the Shriners - Thanks to @inbloomphoto who wanted to know - Best of Special Effects. Ian loves Haunted Mansion, Gary’s a fan of the sense of smell - goes with scents such as Spaceship Earth and Soarin’, Melanie likes the Bride Room in the Haunted Mansion. John goes with the classic Peter Pan and flying over London. - Ian suggests they stop firing movie people and fire the publicity department instead. -Tom Hanks to play Walt Disney? - Prime pick of the week from Gary - Jonah Man: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1935439480/intercotcom - Visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Wednesday Apr 25, 2012
Episode 32 - Goofy Can't Be Trusted
Wednesday Apr 25, 2012
Wednesday Apr 25, 2012
The INTERCOT Insider Live Episode 32 - Goofy Can't Be Trusted The Cast: Mel, Carol, Ian, Gary & John - Robocalls interrupt the show opening - John's trip on the Disney Fantasy - details from the preview cruise. Picture gathering innovations, Animators Palatte and how it has changed, The plussing of the cruise experience, Muppet Detective Agency, Teen time on the ships, Technical issues interrupt the show, Food on the ship. - Avengerail appears and the argument begins - Why does it take so long to build anything now? - Best of Resort Theming & Review of last weeks show. Ian goes first and chooses Animal Kingdom. Carol shocks no one and chooses the Polynesian. Gary enjoys Boardwalk. Melanie picks Coronado Springs. John goes last and enjoys Port Orleans French Quarter. - Cars Land - Art of Animation Resort - Mel tells us about the triple Yeti blast - Easter Egg vinylmation - Brave characters coming to the park - Adventures by Disney to Asia - Glen Keane retires - Amazon Prime purchase of the podcast - The new Flying Colors CD. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0076NAWWA/intercotcom

Thursday Mar 22, 2012
Episode 31 - The Episode That Never Ends
Thursday Mar 22, 2012
Thursday Mar 22, 2012
The INTERCOT Insider Live Podcast The Cast: Melanie, John, Ian, Carol, Gary. Show notes to be published next week. Wanted to get this online before the Disney Cruise Line preview cruise. It's a whopper of a show clocking in at nearly 2 hours and 21 minutes. ***** Brought to you by: Magical Journey's - http://www.yourmagicaljourneys.com The Official Ticket Center - http://www.officialticketcenter.com/cgi- bin/store/commerce.cgi?product=tickets&refer=TC21LBC

Wednesday Mar 07, 2012
Episode 30 - Little Red Is Not Okay
Wednesday Mar 07, 2012
Wednesday Mar 07, 2012
The Cast: Ian Mitchell, Gary O'Brien, Michael Montanez, Melanie Bounds - Valentines Day Roundup - Fast Pass Times Now To Be Enforced? - The effect of social media & technology on the parks. - A couple of Horizons metions. Why don't they open Body Wars when Test Track goes down - Crazy Disney Collectors - Disney World thinks we don't have an attention span. Disneyland does? Where is our sense of exploration. Where are the parks and our experiences headed? - Ian violates our terms of service and then channels his inner Andy Rooney - INTERCOT Best Of - Ride Vehicle: Ian - Mr. Toad, Gary - Mission Space, Melanie - Maelstrom, Michael - Disneyland Buzz Lightyear, John - 20,000 Leagues - Kilamanjaro Story Change - Drained Jaws at Universal and Garys Column (visit him on facebook) - New Kids Menu Items effective February 15 - We mention some of our listeners favorite hidden mickeys - Cylon Mel makes an appearance - John pictures darthmacho as Pedro - Ian's stay in the castle - yes, we have heard it before... - Disney Profits - Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom - Mel was on Beard and Mustache watch and totally forgot about it. Sponsored by: The Official Ticket Center & Magical Journeys Travel

Sunday Jan 29, 2012
Episode 28 - The Changing of the Balloons
Sunday Jan 29, 2012
Sunday Jan 29, 2012
The Cast: Ian, Melanie, Michael & John - Taping earlier tonite, Gary & Carol out earlier - One More Disney Day - 24 Hours of Disney Magic. Watch the balloons go from night time balloons to daytime balloons. - Ian brings up staying in the castle - YET AGAIN. - Reimagined Test Track headed to Epcot this fall. How customized is customized, how interactive is interactive? Horizons & World of Motion mention. - Magic, Memories & You - Valentines segment starts February 3. - Disney Dream float out. Ian promises that if we get invited on a preview cruise, he will match that with a paid booking of his own! - Marathon Weekend - INTERCOT's Best Of - Hidden Mickeys. Michael goes with Soarin in California. Ian goes with the ballroom in the Haunted Mansion. Melanie goes with a hidden Mickey in Indiana Jones. John goes with the bamboo in the stairwell at the Polynesian. Send us your favorites in the podcast thread. - Mel's Marathon Weekend - she did her very first 5k. Cylon Michael makes an appearance. We get off on a CES - Consumer Electronics Show tangent with the Transparent Smart Window - http://youtu.be/mTVPVobDrms. Ludwig Von Drake was out at the events - his first appearance supposedly ever. - John says fix the Yeti - bring the people who designed Ka - the Cirque show in to get the job done. - Wifi service extended into Moderate Resorts at the lobby and feature pools. Why is the big D so technically challenged. - INTERCOT's Garys Column - http://www.facebook.com/pages/INTERCOTs-Garys-Column - Tidbits from Jason - Big Thunder queue to be revamped & other items. Wine Bar @ Italy! - Jolly Holiday Bakery & Electronica Brought to you by: Magical Journey's - http://www.yourmagicaljourneys.com The Official Ticket Center - http://www.officialticketcenter.com/cgi- bin/store/commerce.cgi?product=tickets&refer=TC21LBC

Saturday Dec 24, 2011
Episode 27 - A Flight of Meatloaf - The Holiday Edition
Saturday Dec 24, 2011
Saturday Dec 24, 2011
INTERCOT Insider Live Episode 27 - A Flight of Meatloaf - The Holiday Edition The Cast: Gary, Mel, John, Jeff, Ian, Michael & Carol - - - - Brought to you by: Magical Journey's - http://www.yourmagicaljourneys.com The Official Ticket Center - http://www.officialticketcenter.com/cgi- bin/store/commerce.cgi?product=tickets&refer=TC21LBC - - - - It's a full house - 7 of us onboard for this episode DVC Talk - Grand Floridian Villas are coming in late 2013. The group talks about their GF experiences. Some like, some don't. Monorail Resort discussion DVC head dismissed and then given a consulting deal and a letter of recommendation. Ian's cheese is steamed. Huge DVC dues increases Starting in January - you can book DVC online Tables in Wonderland available to DVC members without AP Disneyland DVC Harry Potter expansion in Hollywood and Orlando Comedy Club players coming to Disney's Hollywood Studios and former Sounds Dangerous location. Run Disney Twilight Zone Tower of Terror Race INTERCOT's Best of Bar / Lounge / Hangout. Ian - Jellyrolls. Michael - Rose & Crown / Hearthstone. Gary - Territory Lounge. Carol - Tambu Lounge. Jeff - Yak and Yeti. John - California Grill. Mel - Tune In Lounge. Android Cases appear Disneyland update Prep and Landing Ian's & Jeff's trip reports Gary's trip to the Kennedy Space Center and the Vehicle Assembly Building

Monday Dec 12, 2011
Episode 26 - That Was A Weird One
Monday Dec 12, 2011
Monday Dec 12, 2011
The Cast: Melanie, John, Gary & Jeff Apparently we recorded inside a can - John must have had his webcam mic on instead of his studio mic. Apologies for the quality. Cancellations: National Harbor deal done, Hyperion Warf, Health and Wellness Suites John's stay at Pop Century. Rooms are a bit small. Good value for the price. One sink is a challenge. Thaksgiving Dinner was great at the food court. Trip Report @ the Old Spice Classic at ESPN Wide World of Sports. Restaurant and the ordering system are great. Virtual Fans are for the birds. Customer Service at the Magic Kindom rocks. The magic that is Disney Wide World of Sports expanding. Mel mocks John's countdown. Best of Holidays - JPL loves the Gingerbread Houses, Mel likes Osborne Lights, Gary says sugar free Hot Cocoa, John votes for the Ice Castle and the different trees at parks and resorts. RFID on Annual Passes. John compares to the Washington DC Metro System. The implications of having RFID in your passes and keys. Flower and Garden 2012 Details - Fantasia theme Muppets on DCL Exotic Driving Experence Enchanted Discussion

Monday Nov 14, 2011
Episode 25 - Ian In Charge
Monday Nov 14, 2011
Monday Nov 14, 2011
The Cast: Gary, Mel, Carol, Gary, Ian & John ***** Brought to you by: Magical Journeys The Official Ticket Center ***** Ian and the intro - John lets Ian host as promised. John and his stay at Animal Kingdom Lodge, Gary at Pop and Carol / Mel at Bay Lake Towners. AKL - John got a bunkbed room and felt a little cramped. It was a hike to his room and was about as far away as you an get. Wifi is in and is filtered. Mel is checking out HotAladdin.com. Thought the quick serve was jut ok. Overall liked the resort and would stay there again. Great atmosphere - Kids would love it. Gary stayed in the 50s at Pop Century and had panic attacks at the food court. The Old Spice Classic coming up at ESPN Wide World of Sports Thanksgiving weekend. Food and Wine Favorites - Kahula pork shooters, Kielbasa and Pierogi from Poland, Ravioli from Italy Bay Lake towers - Mel and Carol stayed in a villa. Apparently there was a mosquito issue. Tried the Wave and found it just fine. Had good luck with bus service. Walt Disney World weddings - Gary attended one. The experience is incredible. There was controversy! The INTERCOT Idea Factory continues - Gary suggests preferred stroller parking. INTERCOTs Best Of - Cast Member Costume - Carol says Liberty Tree Tavern, Ian pickes Monorail Pilot Costumes (no luck fiding them online). Mel goes with the MouseGear costumes. John says the 1970's speedway jumpsuits. Via Napoli Discussion Dieting at Walt Disney World & the beer to Margarita ratio LMNOP is not the INTERCOT 15th Anniversary - ICOT15 - Dates are now official... October 26-28 2012. Ian does the close - hang around for outtakes

Sunday Oct 23, 2011
Episode 24 - Meet Me At Garys Column
Sunday Oct 23, 2011
Sunday Oct 23, 2011
Birthday Stuff. Happy Birthday INTERCOT Insider - One Year Old. Happy Birthday INTERCOT - We're 14! Duffy has been at the park one year. The passing of Steve Jobs. His tie in to Disney and Pixar. Was he this generations Walt Disney? What happens down the road with Apple? Will there be a what would Steve do effect? John recommends you look up John Taylors book - Storming of the Magic Kingdom. Rober Iger stepping down... 4 years from now. What will be his legacy? Unplug and Plug - we finally get it right. We ponder the career of Willow Bay. Big Thunder Mountain long rehab Jan 9 thru May 27. Dumbo goes down Jan 9 thru Feb 17. Park hours are out thru April 2012. INTERCOTs best of - Place to people watch. Carol hangs at World Showcase on a bench in Epcot. Gary looses everyone and wants folks to meet him at the Road Furniture in Epcot's UK - otherwise known as Gary's Column. Show 25, Ian may need to host. Ian sits by the fountain in Innoventions Plaza. Melanie people watches at Hollywood Studios outside Sweet Spells. Gary swears he saw Kenny Rogers there and chaos ensues. John heads to the Kona Cafe sushi bar. Animal Kingdom Lodge - John is set to stay there and asks the staff their opinion and whether it's too far away from everything. We ponder why they didn't put in some sort of boat transportation to Animal Kingdom - missed opportunity. New FREE Android App for the Podcast. Why no Apple app? iTunes provides a great way to subscribe unlike Android which didn't provoide a great way to subscribe. Search INTERCOT Insider in the marketplace or go to: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.podbeanapp297790 - Please rate us if you get a chance. John's trip to California and Disneyland - so he hung with NotaGeek. Duffy Storybook debuts. We ponder if it's rehashed Duffy. Dooney & Bourke new items arriving at Disney Parks. http://disneyparks.disney.go.com/blog/2011/10/new-dooney-bourke-comic-collection-arrives-at-disney-parks-in-october/

Thursday Sep 22, 2011
Episode 23 - Famous Garys In History
Thursday Sep 22, 2011
Thursday Sep 22, 2011
Episode 23 - Famous Garys In History September 29th, 2011 The Cast: Gary, Mel, Carol, Gary, Ian & John Avatar Coming To Disney Parks - Big announcement - partnership with James Cameron to create Avatar "stuff" - Gary and Carol want a Lord of the Rings land - Development begins in 2014 at Disney's Animal Kingdom - 60% of the podcast crew has not seen the movie... - Gary points out the detail James Cameron goes to - Would Avatar fly in California? - Ian went thru the 5 stages of grief - Avatar looks like one big Yes album cover (not enough blue though) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f6/Fly_from_Here.jpg - Why not develop the intellectual property they already have? - Disney PR put out a FAQ - Ian is worried Avatar land will be heavily "film based" - Walken gets a mention - John thinks Camp Minnie Mickey is toast - mark his word - The Discovery River Boats - FAIL - First appearance of Cylon Gary - then Ian calls in with a Ma Bell phone. - Call us anxious or nervious - but we see potential - So much untapped potential - John wants a better Lion King attraction or one based on Aladdin (Mel loves the idea). - Ian wants a Willy Wonka theme park - Ian sings "I Can See Clearly Now" and we get in our beer mention and talk IBU's - INTERCOT's Best Of - Attraction with little to no line: Melanie says People Mover, Ian queue's for Snow White's Scary Adventures, Carol says Flights of Wonder, Gary jumps on the way back machine for Carousel of Progress, John goes to Epcot & Spaceship Earth. - GM to re-up Test Track Sponsorship? - A discussion of Famous Gary's including Gary the Snail. - iTunes Reviews - Downtown Disney trick or treating - Don't touch Gary - Trick or Meet Up - sold out - Epcot changing the opening schedule / rope drop - The GREAT STROLLER RACE 2012 - Mel throws down the challenge vs. Ian. Gary and John to film. - Gary made a Bert Convy reference! Bert Convy! - Magic Kingdom Parking lot - Hero's and Villains

Thursday Sep 15, 2011
Episode 22 - Technical Difficulties - Please Stand By
Thursday Sep 15, 2011
Thursday Sep 15, 2011
The INTERCOT Insider Live Episode 22 Technical Difficulties - Please Stand By The Cast: Gary, Jeff, Michael, Carol, Ian & John Brought to you by: Magical Journey's - http://www.yourmagicaljourneys.com The Official Ticket Center - http://www.officialticketcenter.com/cgi-bin/store/commerce.cgi?product=tickets&refer=TC21LBC Mousketeer Roll-call! Talking the weather because it's been a slow news week New role playing game - Sorcerer's of the Magic Kingdom coming. Leave it to us to talk 17 minutes on something we barely know anything about. Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween / parks decorated for fall Halloween Horror Nights - Nobody but John has done them Fantasyland update & timeline INTERCOT’s 15th Anniversary Celebration - October 2012 INTERCOT’s Best of Refurbs - Jeff says Haunted Mansion, Carol likes Mickey’s Philharmagic, Ian goes with the new Star Tours, Michael blasts off with Space Mountain, Gary talks with Crush at Turtle Talk, John prefers Nemo to the Sea Cabs - with reservations. Water Skiing in the Seven Seas Lagoon DVC - why to buy, advantages, is it a good decision? Disney Consumer Products & the Disney Store fail Baby elephant Jabali born at Animal Kingdom

Tuesday Aug 30, 2011
Episode 21 - Stand To The Right - Walk To The Left
Tuesday Aug 30, 2011
Tuesday Aug 30, 2011
The Cast: Melanie Bounds, Ian Mitchell, Jeff Latko, Gary O'Brien, Michael Montanez Singing and Plug and Unplug out of the way early! The Earthquake hit us & BigFoot D23 Expo Hilights - Fantasyland & how it's all going to come together. Crowds and lines were crazy. Too many people for too little capacity in presentations. Shopping was great. Talking Mickey is creepy? Construction at Disneyland & Four Diamond Award Little Mermaid Ride - Ariel's Got A Lazy Eye? Ride is impressive - great dark ride. INTERCOT's Best Of - Area Music John - EPCOT Entrance Medley. Gary - Fountain Area Music. Ian - Tomorrowland Area Loop 80's era. Michael - Main Street Entrance Loop. Jeff - Stole John's. Melanie - Tokyo Disney Sea Tiki Room Re-Opens Monorail Offline and Mel was there to experience it. Quickly turned into a transportation disaster when the parks are full. MAPO system was offline. Art of Animation Resort Suites - Pricing discussion. We don't get it. Why is Go.com still around? Seriously. Mobile Magic App? No Soup for You! Save the paper - give everyone the app free. RFID bracelets creeping up in the news. The episode has turned CRANKY! Disney Chrurro Cart Girl. Iron on shirts? Huh? What?

Wednesday Aug 10, 2011
Episode 20 - Heads In Beds
Wednesday Aug 10, 2011
Wednesday Aug 10, 2011
The Cast: Gary O'Brien, Ian Mitchell, Melanie Bounds and John Yaglenski
Brought to you by: Magical Journey's - http://www.yourmagicaljourneys.com The Official Ticket Center - http://www.officialticketcenter.com/cgi-bin/store/commerce.cgi?product=tickets&refer=TC21LBCRecap of the "argument episode"
Free Dining Returns (see the accommodations forum)
Mel disappears and Ian walks away - while Gary & John talk Yes and the podcast falls apart
AP rates released
Heads in Beds and attendance because of discounts
Shag Merchandise - what is it? Merchandising discussion
Duffy Mention
It's a podcast - not a video cast. John shows off some of the stuff in his office to the crew
Duffy Ice Cream Bowls now available http://www.disneyfoodblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/IMG_3733.jpg
Kabuki Cafe opens in Epcot
INTERCOT's Best of – Souvenirs Gary loves his denim shirt. Ian treasures his Tigger production Cel. John enjoys his Eric Robison signed lithograph of the Disneyland Monorail - http://www.ericrobisonstudios.com/disney6.htm. Mel has samurai Mickey and Donald
Jennings Osborne passes away. John talks about how it inspired him to take Exterior Illumination to the next level.
Ranger Stan goes to the National Park in the sky.
What’s your “retiree job” at Walt Disney World?
ESPN The Weekend Ends
Tiki Room Reopening Soon!
Ticket upgrade policy changes.
What about the sponsors?
Tinkerbell Meet and Greet at the Adventureland Verandah

Tuesday Jul 26, 2011
Episode 19 - Knickers and Pantaloons
Tuesday Jul 26, 2011
Tuesday Jul 26, 2011
The Cast: Gary O'Brien, Melanie Bounds, Carol Robert, Michael Montanez & John Yaglenski Carol's dogs join the crew Refillable mugs and a new tracking system via RFID chips. Michael says unlimited is unlimited. High tech solution headed to Walt Disney World? Dancing Baby? Check - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5x5OXfe9KY Gary goes on a coffee rant which then turns into a doughnut rant. HOT NOW! Krispy Kreme Burger: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/paulas-home-cooking/the-ladys-brunch-burger-recipe/index.html Monorails and Extra Magic Hours - let the heated debate begin. John & Gary go at it. The argument continues in the break Disneyland Discussion INTERCOT's Best of - Disneyland Michael's favorite is riding Peter Pan. Carol avoids the Billy's and says Pirates of the Caribbean instead. Mel chooses a ride too - California Screamin'. Gary works in a duffy mention and enjoys the history of the park and the Magic Shop. John heads straight for Club 33 and a whole lot more.. Meet the $4538.25 Kohler Numi K3900: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8jCP_-oBgQ Universal surprises guests at midnite showing of final Harry Potter film at Citywalk Candlelight Dinner Processional Packages & Rehabs Eat to the Beat New Saratoga Pool / Splitsville / Hyperion Wharf delayed or dead all together The Fonz gets another mention

Monday Jul 11, 2011
Episode 18 - Youll Stay Here and Youll Like It!
Monday Jul 11, 2011
Monday Jul 11, 2011
The Cast: Carol, Mel, Ian, Gary, Jeff & John The biggest crew for the podcast yet - 6 is the magic number John's just back from the world and has plenty to say - though Ian gets in an Edit early on. Yes, that's why everyone is giggling. Hoop De Doo at Fort Wilderness still a good time after all these years. Say hi to Dan Patrick's look alike. Getting there is a little bit convoluted. Keep Carol on Speed Dial! Ask Carol! INTERCOT's Best Of Entertainment - Gary likes the Street Performers in the UK and Italy - Ian loves Sonny Eclipse at Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe - Carol goes out to Disneyland for the Billy's at the Golden Horseshoe or Off Kilter in Canada @ Epcot. - Jeff enjoys the Holidays Around The World @ Epcot and streetmosphere at Disney Studios. - Mel preferst the Voices of Liberty at the American Adventure (It's Not A Board Room Fellas...) - John thinks Push is a hoot in the Magic Kingdom and DeVine at the Animal Kingdom This episodes song is Midnight At The Oasis by Maria Muldaur - Send your camel to bed from 1974. Talking Food from John's Trip! - Quick Service Burgers - BRUTAL say John & Ian. Something has definately changed. As John tweeted it tasted like a combination of cardboard and soybean flavored with smoke. Like eating a hockeypuck. - Columbia Harbor House tuna sandwich was sub-par. Mushy and Mayonaisy! - Kona was excellent - sushi was fab. John tells the trick... - ESPN Zone does not dissapoint. Burgers and Dingers are wonderful. Disney Pin Code Promos - Disney Picks Your Resort - We try to understand. Old Key West Resort Discussion - Water Sprites go 5 mph. We transition into a discussion on busses. Waterparks - if you haven't been recently - GO! Vinylmation - Like Mel, John has been sucked in. Escaped the heat in Voyage of the Little Mermaid. LASERS! Carol covers the current Rehabs/Announcements/Park Hours Mel ponders Test Track changes? Rumours of Cars in Lights Motors and Meet n' Greet

Friday Jun 17, 2011
Episode 17 - Checks In The Mail
Friday Jun 17, 2011
Friday Jun 17, 2011
The INTERCOT Insider Live Episode 17 - June 14, 2011 "Checks in the Mail!" Carol, Ian, Nanci, Jeff & John Jeff gets the mentions out of the way at the get go Nanci from Magical Journey's goes over new promos and 2012 packages. Needing a PhD to plan your vacation & the price of a vacation Stroller parking at Soarin and in general Ticket price increases & the cost of a vacation INTERCOT's Best of Desserts - Sit down and otherwise... - Carol says grapefruit cake at Brown Derby and Dole Whip. - Ian's got a new saying - "yummy deliciousness." He also goes with Creme Brule at Chefs de France and mourns the loss of the Beaver Tail (recipe at: http://www.food.com/recipe/canadian-beaver-tail-fried-pastries-119576) - Nanci likes the Ohana Bread Pudding and Candied Almonds. - Jeff prefers the Deep Fried Wontons & anything from Norway with Viking Coffee. - John kind of liked the sampling deserts at the Wave or anything at Kona and Churros/Maragira pairing. Food and Wine Festival including new Oddysey Lounge. Rehabs, Park Calendar, Sounds Like Summer quiz Fantasyland Storybook Circus Rapunzel to become the 10th Disney Princess Comparing wait times at DW vs DL Darth Vader goes to Disneyland: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=di6oT7Y0-Zw

Monday Jun 06, 2011
Episode 16 - Buy Me A Cheesesteak At Cosmic Rays
Monday Jun 06, 2011
Monday Jun 06, 2011
Ian calls in via Cell phone after driving home from Walt Disney World - the laptop in lockup causes Ian to turn around Twitter confusion Star Tours 3D Coverage - Mel, Ian and John love the new ride - it's gone from a if you have time to a - don't miss. - 54 cool posibilities await - John says sit in the back, not the front - Nice touches in the queue It's a new version of Plug and Unplug The Star Tours Media Event - Star Tours Fireworks online at http://youtu.be/v1vEIy9qVwM Via Napoli gets high ratings from Ian - John doesn't believe there can be good pizza in Florida Ian gives thumbs up to Cosmic Ray's Cheesesteaks! Philly approved. DVC Resort Animal Kingdom Kidani Village is gorgeous Disney Cruise Line - Disney Fantasy - New featured show Aladdin, brand new song written for the show - Lobby is art nuveau and features Minnie Mouse - Animators Palate interactive where everyone becomes artists American Idol attraction and the newest winner, Scotty McCreery - video is on the twitter feed. Eat to the Beat Concert Series Announced - the singing begins Duffy story Tiki Room & Small World Space Coast and Final Shuttle Launch Legoland opening in October - the old Cypress Gardens Best of Places To Cool Off - Ian loves a long ride in the Universe of Energy, Gary hangs at the misters near Test Track, Mel cools off in the American Adventure, John rides the Tomorrowlard Transit Authority.

Friday May 13, 2011
Episode 15 - Duffy In A Speedo
Friday May 13, 2011
Friday May 13, 2011
The INTERCOT Insider Live - Episode 15 May 9, 2011 "Duffy in a Speedo" This isn't sports radio. INTERCOT got invited to the Star Tours 3D Grand Opening and Media Event Whats a wattle? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wattle Mel Cylon's out Disneyland Jedi Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5mK7dzyUkM Everest Challenge and Animal Kingdom after dark Tour de Kingdom Pirates Updates - Blackbeard played by Ian McShane taking the place of Davy Jones on the "mist wall" only thru the summer. Angelica now in the parks The Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Attraction - Ian's building it... Brazil Pavillion in Epcot & Giftshop. Duffy in a speedo. New print of France film British Invasion is gone - replaced by English Channel Inferno Barge under rehab @ Illuminations Calling the phone booths in the UK Gary wants a refund of his childhood because he spent years thinking Henry Winkler was cool. TV as kids. Offbeat things you like to do around Disney World. INTERCOT's Best Of - Dark Ride - We discuss what is a dark ride and go to the Dark Ride Enthusiast site for clarification: http://www.dafe.org Universal announcing a new attraction to replace Jimmy Neutron next week. Cruise Line Enhancements Wine and Cheese Tasting at Jiko AMC Theatre - Dine In Pixar Weekend Vinylmantion Redux Favorite Fantasyland Attraction? Odd Results. Ian and John want a snack bar in the lobby of Philharmagic.

Sunday Apr 24, 2011
Episode 14 - Thats Not Transportation
Sunday Apr 24, 2011
Sunday Apr 24, 2011
The INTERCOT Insider Episode 14 - April 19, 2011 The Cast: Melanie, Gary, Ian & John "That's Not Transportation!" Murray Head reference starts the show Tokyo Disneyland Re-Opens Punked by the Fantasyland pictures - Beast castle wasn't so huge... forced perspective - Cinderella and Beast fight it out Disney Channel confusion. Miley is so over. Debbie Ryan, the new Miley. The Royal Sleepover and Wedding. Cool free event that Disney should do more of... Kudos to the big D. Also a big Wedding event at the Swan & Dolphin: http://www.intercot.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=180943&highlight=royal Armed Forces Salute extended into 2012 Talking Shades of Green, The Disney Inn and Golf Resort New Race at Disneyland - Tinkerbell Half Marathon We've lost Gary Lots of activity on the Discussion Boards and @INTERCOT Twitter account Best of Disney Transportation: Mel likes using her own transportation. Gary likes the boats between the Wilderness Lodge and the Magic Kingdom. John says Monorails are the obvious choice but instead goes with the Epcot Resorts boat loop. Ian likes the Monorails and specifically the Epcot Resort Loop. That’s Not Transportation! Mel defines transportation as being from point a to point b See the @INTERCOT Twitter feed for pictures of the Year 2000 package giveaways DVC Rehash and Discussion. Ian goes over the basics of the DVC, common questions and features. Updates, Refurbs & Vacation Savings Site Feature - Report a Post Button Podcast Bonus Materials!

Monday Apr 11, 2011
Episode 13 - The Spooky Scary Edition
Monday Apr 11, 2011
Monday Apr 11, 2011
The Cast: Melanie Bounds, Gary O'Brien, Carol Robert, Ian Mitchell John Yaglenski
- We're all here &
Ian's asking for a raise
- The Haunted Mansion Queue. Mel and John are mixed. Kids totally dig it.
John thought it would be lit better at night and a little more creepy. How
bout adding some fog to the graveyard.
- The obligatory Horizons mention 8 minutes in.
- Where's Nugget Way?
- New Haunted Mansion ending... the hitch hiking ghosts come alive and lift
your head off. Gary wonders how long this will actually be cool given Kinect
does similar stuff.
- Town Square Theater - John likes the queue and the meet and greet area but
thinks all the pictures should have been "magic pictures" instead of mixing
actual posters with living picture screens.
- Cruise Line Announcements - Sailing from ports of New York, Seattle &
Galveston. Heading to Alaski, Western Caribbean, Hawaii.
- Carol - plug and unplug.
- Coupons @ the Magic Kingdom. 25% off during off hours. April 17-23. Also
doing them at the bottom of purchases in park.
- Twitter & Facebooks Stuff: Follow & Tweet us @INTERCOT. John is about
ready to dump his phone carrier because it's nearly impossible to send
picture tweets.
(Sorry for the audio skipping near the end of part 1 - we were aware of the
issue but resolved it at the break).
- INTERCOT's Best of - The ride we used to NOT like, but now you do. Ian
goes first and then requried editing yet again. Gary says Mexico's El Rio
Del Tiempo. Ian says PASS. Carol chimes in with the Movie in Canada. John
didn't like Space Mountain as a kid - loves it now. Ian finally figures
something out - Finding Nemo show. For Mel it's the Speedway.
- Mel got her Kingdom Keepers book signed. Discussion of the books.
- Christopher Walken and Duffy mention.
- Best Beer on Property. Mel says a Golden from UK, Snakebite at UK, Guiness
or Rocket Red for Gary, Peroni from Italy for Ian. John says the correct
answer is a Golden. Wants to know why you can't get it outside despite the
fact they have Stella and Bass both on tap.
- Fish & Chips - John prefers Epcot to Cookes of Dublin.
- Gary reveals the voice of Eeyore and Optimus Prime are one and the same.
- Bonnet Creek Resort - what's it near? Caribbean Beach resort is the
correct answer and there are a bunch of resorts there. Among them, the
Hilton Bonnet Creek and Waldorf Astoria Resorts. John loves the hotel and
thinks the property is beautiful. See the @INTERCOT twitter feed for photos.
The pool w/ lazy river is amazing.
- John went to his first wrestling match. Rip Ride Rockit - secret songs.
City Walk has a great live band Karoke bar. We may want to go there for
- The Magic, The Memories and You. We love it - we didn't want to love it
but we love it.
- Snailfest and the most boring vacations ever.
- Vinylmation, Hidden Discounts
Sponsor Links:
The Official Ticket Center
Magical Journeys

Wednesday Mar 30, 2011
Episode 12 - The Big Reveal
Wednesday Mar 30, 2011
Wednesday Mar 30, 2011
The Cast: John Yaglenski, Melanie Bounds, Carol Robert & Gary O'Brien. - Gary Returns - Carol & Gary actually are on the same show at the same time. No Ian. - The Haunted Mansion queue rehash. Gary questions why the queue really needed adding to since there was never a wait, but is reserving judgement. Carol is a little worried it looked a bit "cheap". John's wondering how it will be lit at night. - John is going to have to slice and dice this episode. - Why don't they offer a photo at the end of the Haunted Mansion ride. Send it on to Marketing! Combine photos and learn the "Photoshops". INTERCOT Consulting Services are born! - New Ticketing @ Epcot being tested. RFID Scanners suggests Gary. - 2 Brilliant Ideas in one podcast - EasyPass for ThemeParks. - Wait - another one. Annual Passholder dedicated line. Bypass those confused by the ticketing process. - New Permanent Home for Mickey Mouse - Town Square Theater. Magician Mickey will be making an appearance. Hinted to open April 1. - Patriotic Mickey, Frotierland Mickey, The Billies. Colonial characters including Patriotic Mickey should definately move to the American Adventure. - Gary begs for a trip to Hawaii for all the great ideas. - Free wifi testing @ the Contemporary Resort. A "flight" of internet at the Wave of American Flavors. - The Tikki Room. Reopening pushed further back to July 1 - fueling rumours that the old show may return. - Mel hates the Country Bears. Yet another attraction - the Tiki Bears. - Apparently no one has seen the Tikki Room Pre-show. Google it or hit YouTube, John swears it exists. - Gary & Refurbs - Toontown update. Mel struggles to describe a peak as we play charades. Then Gary needs to explain the weenie. - Grand Floridian Expansion. Construction between the Polyneisan Luau thru to where the Grand Floridian Pool begins. Bridal Suites? DVC? Reception Halls - we're full of ideas tonite! - INTERCOT's Best Of - Photo Places. Gary takes a pic at the wishing well & the giant troll in Norway (aka Uncle Jimmy). Carol takes pictures of the icons. Mel does the character totem pole at the Wilderness Lodge. John talks about video in front of the Adventureland sign & Epcot's Spaceship Earth. - John's headed to the Hard Rock Hotel and then new Hilton Bonnet Creek Resort. - Mel went back to Universal & liked it much better this time. She thinks the Mummy is the coolest ride ever! Don't wear flip flops on the Forbidden Journey. Gary has another idea - gift shop at the end of the ride with all the stuff people loose on the ride. Crowd control @ Wizarding World. Jimmy Neutron going away. - What's an LMNOP?

Thursday Mar 17, 2011
Episode 11 - Ours Goes To Eleven
Thursday Mar 17, 2011
Thursday Mar 17, 2011
The Cast: Melanie Bounds, Ian Mitchell, Carol Robert, John Yaglenski
Are Gary and Carol the same person? ESPN The Weekend & Flower & Garden Festival - Mel got up at 4am for Mike & Mike and it was a mess - If you can go down for the event on Friday, crowds were light - Main action went on in front of the Sorcerer’s hat - Curly looks good - Flower and Garden Festival looks lovely, waiting for some topiary to bloom - Tangled tower looks cool Le Cellier Steakhouse moved to a two credit dining location - Only restaurant at this level in Epcot – supply and demand Duffy obligatory mention - The St. Patrick’s Day Duffy - Looks like it’s an integrated package – not an outfit - Mel and Ian are sucked into the land of Duffy Pins, Vinylmation, Collectibles & More Fantasyland Skyway Station Being Removed - There goes the Horizons mention - Originally closed at the end of 1999 - Peter Pan queue extended, improve traffic flow Haunted Mansion Queue - Installing new showpieces, rerouting queue - We speculate on how this would work and it turns out we were part right and part wrong on the layout. I don’t think we were able to visualize how things would come together. - The Ghosts at the end of the ride – what are their names again? Phineas & Ferb discussion – Characters and their foamy counterparts INTERCOT’s Best of – Disney Smells - John associates the smell of damp wood / tropical plants with the Polynesian - Carol says it has to be the water, but her favorite is the popcorn at Downtown Disney in Disneyland - Mel goes with the smells from ‘Soarin including the queue that is a mixture - The smell of ‘Soarin! You’re welcome Disney marketing. - Ian says all of yours are mine… but the bakery smell at the end of Main Street - Slim Jims remind Ian of Spaceship Earth The Wave of American Flavors now offering a breakfast buffet Grad Nights ending at Disney Parks in 2011 When to go to avoid crowds? Dedicated podcast forum on INTERCOT – Comments welcome. Requests to cover the Disney Vacation Club - Hot topic - change to resold points. Check out our sponsor the Timeshare Store. What it means to buying points on the secondary market vs. buying directly from Disney.

Wednesday Feb 23, 2011
Episode 10 - The Three Amigos
Wednesday Feb 23, 2011
Wednesday Feb 23, 2011
The Cast: Melanie Bounds, Ian Mitchell, John Yaglenski
Toontown is RIP
- Melanie was there on the final day - pics are at http://intercot.com/discussion/album.php?albumid=3
- We say goodbye and at the same time look forward to the changes.
- Mickey and Minnie movin' to Golden Oaks.
- We're hoping they hide the demolition of Mickey and Minnie's homes...
- Obligatory Horizons talk -
Breaking News -
Disney Investor Conference
- It's a low budget show folks...
- A fast pass for your entire vacation.
- All this broke as we were taping this weeks shows.
- Gut reaction - Mel and Ian think vacations are becoming way too planned
and complicated.
- John's hoping this doesn't turn you into a themepark commando and that
there is some balance
- Getting your key in advance sounds aweful good.
- Art of Animation Resort is confirmed for 2013 - 2000 rooms and 1200 Family
- On demand entertainment
- Disney stock is up
- Fastpass is polarizing? Really?
- Characters in their element
- Disney Cruise Line
- Mel, Ian and John all want to go visit Cars land at Disneyland
Flower & Garden Festival March 2 - May 15
- Pixar theming to be featured
- Flower Power Concert Series - John can't resist singing and naming songs -
bear with him and please don't tune out.
ESPN The Weekend
- Mel's psyched to attend
- The ESPN WWOS Complex
- Braves Spring Training
Expedition Everest is 5 years old
- Passholder Event
Disney Junior
Florida Orange Bird Returns
- Do you remember the Florida orange juice stand & the orange ball shaped
Disney before I-95 was finished
INTERCOT's Best Of - Favorite memory traveling to Disney World
- Mel loves to stop at the Florida State Line welcome center and orange
- For Ian, it was always Pedro - you never sausage a place
- Fancy pants Ian flying to Disney World
- Did they get a carport?
- John remembers the Haunted Fort
Sponsor Links:
The Official Ticket Center
Magical Journeys

Tuesday Feb 01, 2011
Episode 9 - The Disney Dream Preview Cruise
Tuesday Feb 01, 2011
Tuesday Feb 01, 2011
The Cast: Melanie Bounds, Ian Mitchell, Carol Robert, John Yaglenski
Gallery from the Dream trip online (462 Pictures):
The Disney
- Ian and John get
an earlier boarding group and head directly for food and drinks.
- Cabins were
nicely appointed & we love the seperated bathrooms.
- Ian and John
snore apart... Deck 5 vs. 8? Really big verandah! Party Time!
- Dining onboard -
meal at Palo was excellent as was the food everywhere - very good - both Ian
and John were pleasantly surprised.
- Animator's Palate
is a giant Turtle Talk in the round - very cool! Meal there was the best of
the rotating restaurants.
- Living Artwork on
board - pictures come to life. Neat touch.
- Secret/Magic
Porthole Rooms - we're so ready to stay in one. Even liked the layouts
better. High def screens are an effective illusion.
- Skyline night
club - Huge monitors made to look like windows on the world. The menus there
also glowed - very easy to read in low light.
- Mel wanted to
know about the tween areas - Edge
- The Aquaduck -
John and Ian decided for seperate floats. All in all, not too scary despite
being "see-thru". John had issues getting out.
- Fireworks show
onboard - only ship to be doing it right now.
- We LOVE Castaway
Cay. Couldn't be nicer.
- Take one for the
team - Senses Spa Cabana Massages & Shave/Facial/Chair Massage. Ian snores.
Right around $100 - very reasonable.
- Villains show was
funny, entertaining and very Broadway. Hades was a riot.
- The Greycliff
Tour - Cigar Rolling and Rum Tasting - A two person tour. The wine cellar
was amazing. 260,000 bottles of wine - the third largest in the world. One
rack was worth over a MILLION DOLLARS alone.
- Had dinner at
Senior Frogs - nice spot with a neat view of the harbor.
- The challenges of
getting home. Ian got stuck in Orlando.
- Other night clubs
- Pink, 687 SportsBar, Skyline, Evolution
- The crazy
transporter bathroom near Evolution. The ceiling is a mirror. It's a cruise
ship bathroom time machine!
- Every day,
there's a cocktail of the day on special.
- Tons of
characters and character accessibility.
- The coffee was
good! Very important to the Insider Live Staff
- Soft Drinks were
free on board via the soda fountains on deck. This saves you a bunch of
money vs. a soda card.
- We like how
gratuities are handled via ticket stubs and envelopes.
- Ian saw the value
in the Disney Cruise Line and was looking to book once he got home for 2012.
- John doesn't mind
cruising in January - 70 is better than 13.
- INTERCOT Best of
Disney Dream... Ian says Castaway Cay. John liked his huge verandah and the
dinner at Palo.
The Magic,
Memories and You.
- Mel was
pleasantly suprised - not at all what she thought it would be. Runs between
parade and Wishes. Colors are incredible.
- Use Photopass -
maybe you'll get on he castle.
- Ian loves the
commercials as part of the ad campaign.
Of Disney Memories. John recalls sitting on Main Street USA alone watching
the Electrical Parade. Carol remembers her first trip to Disney and her son
was chosen to pull the sword from the stone. John also mentioned the "Son's
of Liberty." Ian has two - the Contemporary game room and Eticket nite & no
one in Liberty Square. Mel gets some alone time with Aladdin.
- Thanks to
everyone for sticking with us and thanks to Jason and the Disney Cruise Line
Public Relations department for inviting us to be onboard.
Sponsor Links:
The Official Ticket Center
Magical Journeys

Friday Jan 21, 2011
Episode 8 - Please Play Along at Home OR What's a Maquette?
Friday Jan 21, 2011
Friday Jan 21, 2011
The Cast: Melanie Bounds, Ian Mitchell, Gary Obrien, , Nanci Rossetti, John Yaglenski
Fantasyland Announcements
- Seven Dwarfs Mine Coaster / dark ride with thrilling elements. First of
it's kind ride system.
- Snow White's Scary Adventures being replaced
with Princess Fairytale Hall.
- Mufassa says there's more to come -
suprises in store.
- Will concept art match reaility? John's a hipster.
Bring on the greenery!
- Play along at home and see the thread online at:
- Cohesive
look and feel to the land is welcome by Ian as is another Dumbo.
Antlers everywhere, kids tearing into meat.
- Yes, we repeat again - Ian
stayed in the Castle suite.
Star Tours
- Opening date announced for Star Wars Weekend - May 20th. New attraction is
in 3D, new droids, starspeeder, pilot and destination.
- We've lost Mel
- Gary goes off on George Lucas (again!) and shows his Yoda
- Everyone is looking forward to the revamped attraction
Gary wants an adult Jedi Academy
- The discussion turns to Body Wars and
the Wonders of Life Pavillion
-Gary likes the
Centorium (extinct) and now Norway and Helly Hanson. The obsession with that
store extends to Ian and John as well. We LOVE that store and LOVE shopping
- It's the jacket tht got away...
- Mel likes Mouse Gear and
the Epcot retro stuff. She also learned about Kerning - and Keming - the
result of bad Kerning
- Maquette - French word for a scale model,
plastico or modello.
The Disney Dream Launches
- Ian and John are set to sail prior to the general public thanks to the
Disney Cruise Line this Sunday
- Disney Dream Stats - it's MASSIVE!
We hope to do a podcast live from the ship
- Mel challenges Ian and John
to do the AquaDuck
- Secret Portholes
- Gary wants to understand
dining with strangers. Is he going to be eating with Charo?
- Elton John
will write a song for you - Dreamie and the Cruise
When To Take Your Kids to Disney/Taking Them Out of School
- Gary says take them while the magic is real
- The Pooh story & Pluto in
a stroller
- Ian says - take the kids! Life is short - enjoy it!
- Its
the Ian and Gary Show!
- John says the kids DO remember. Have you done
the family shirt? It's all about Making Memories!
- The panel disagrees a
bit on taking kids out of school.
Mel Visits
Universal Finally
- She and
Michael liked the queue but the ride made her sick
- Do the butterbeer
after the ride...
- Mel pretty much got sick on everything
- Disaster
& Christopher Walkin
See you on the DREAM!

Friday Jan 07, 2011
Episode 7 - Mark My Words, Never Again
Friday Jan 07, 2011
Friday Jan 07, 2011
The Cast: Melanie Bounds, Ian Mitchell, Gary Obrien, , Nanci Rossetti, John Yaglenski
Nanci From Magical
Specials for the
New Year
- Kids Stay and Play Free
- Winter Spring Offer
- Late Winter Offer
Disney Dream Launching
- Nanci's going & for the record
- Onboard credits for Dream cruises
- If Disney wants to invite the INTERCOT Insider Staff - we are so there!
- Ian's mom blew $1300 this morning
- Ian wants to know how does Disney Cruise compare and is the extra cost worth
- General Cruise Line Discussion
Ian & John @ Disney in December
- Last minute plane tickets $2500 and crappy rental car
- Ian goes first... and attempts to keep things brief (right)
- Bay Lake Towers, property and location fantastic
- Lovin' Disney during the holidays
- Gary, don't give Disney marketing any ideas...
- Osborne Lights & Candlelight Processional
- Parks were mobbed - flat attendance?
- Manta evacuated - stuck on lift hill @ Sea World
- Peak of the Peak - 240 minute wait for Soarin'
- Mark My Words - NEVER AGAIN
- Ians incredibly long boat ride to the Studios
- Toy Story Mania - Ian's here to dominate!
- The John & Ian show
Holiday Decorations @ Fort Wilderness - a hidden gem
- Nanci spent 2 nights just driving around
- Ian says Celebration is a good get away to look at lights too
John's Trip to Disney
- Went the week between Christmas & New Years
- Who is going to wait an hour to go on Figment - instead the horribly outdated
Captain EO
- John is frustrated with pricing - pushing $70 for lunch for 4
- Gary thinks there is a disconnect between the average Joe and a Disney
Prison Guards @ Magic Kingdom Restaurants
- Touch screen ordering is a seriously flawed user experience
- Checkpoint Charlie to get in and just sit down. No food, no sit.
- Another boneheaded bean counter move that ruins the user experience
John's not impressed with Pooh Queue interactive elements
- He likes the design and blending with fantasyland though
- Where do I get fast passes?
2011 Predictions
- Ian predicts queue disaster at Haunted Mansion
- Mel would like more attention to Hollywood Studios and a new ride
- John says the interactive queues continue - and Hyperion Wharf will be a
- Gary will be celebrating... something
Universal's IOA hit capacity for the first time ever
- Universal Express cost the most it did all year @ $89 a person
- Had to wait till 11pm to get in Wizarding World and even then 90 minutes to
get on the ride
SeaWorld was a great alternative on New Year's eve day and is a great value for your dollar
Don't miss "Disaster" featurning an incredible hologram of Christopher Walken
Dinner @ Eleven located at the Reunion Resort
- Great view, great food, romantic and intimate

Sunday Dec 12, 2010
Episode 6 - Mom & Dad Ran Out of Tickets
Sunday Dec 12, 2010
Sunday Dec 12, 2010
Way to sell it John
Attendence Figures &
Profit 3rd Quarter
- The Disney Indigestion Plan (THE DIP)
Tourist Traffic Increasing / Disney Traffic Flat /
Universal attendence
up 36%
- Seaworld & bang for your buck
- Orlando Thrill Park
Challenging times ahead competition wise
- Ian was quoted in Disney War
by James Stewart
- What's the next big thing? Cars Ride
- Back to
Universal again
Union Dispute @ WDW / The Disney Vision
- Career castmemers vs. hourly/seasonal
- Long term vs. short term view
- Who is the public face of Disney now?
- The great recession & missed
- What are we, a money show?
Of - Extinct Attractions
- Gary's frozen so we'll start with him
or not... The
Gary COIN!
- Ian misses If You Had Wings (the speed
room), Gary
brings the crickets and then chooses Extra
TerrorRestrial, Mel says Skyway but ultimately chooses
the Living Seas
(attraction video is on INTERCOT), John
wants to ride World of Motion
again (Horizons - need not
even mention).
- Ian wants to live in the
house in the Land
- Future World needs theme music again
Tangled / Tangled Package @ BBB
- Movie review
- Disney's
moving away from fairy tales?
- Gary thinks animated movies are still
being made for
the 1990's and havn't moved ahead
- The package and
the hair
Tron Pins & Tron Soundtrack, Tron DVD sold out
Epic Mickey on Wii
John predicts
blockbuster for Tron
Sponsor Links:
The Official Ticket Center
Magical Journeys

Tuesday Nov 23, 2010
Episode 5 - The Concession Stand of the FUTURE!
Tuesday Nov 23, 2010
Tuesday Nov 23, 2010
The Cast: Melanie Bounds, Ian Mitchell, Carol Robert, John Yaglenski
November 23, 2010
Hyperion Warf Announcement
Pretty much what we expected
Concept Art looks nice but not enough details
Lego store enlarged, Fork & Screen theatre interesting
The concession stand of the future
What's an enhanced pedestrian walkway
Ian doesn't want to shop for linens
Winnie The Pooh
New Queue. Actually opening ahead of the grand opening contrary to what we
Store looks the same
Exterior looks interesting, what's interactive?
Potential for kids melting down?
Mr. Potato Head pictures - is it ok to pass people?
Little Mermaid/Be Our Guest
Things continue to progress in Fantasyland
Ian Goes Back In Time
Old time photos & how the park has changed over the years
The joke completely gets missed - John repeats
Ian's obsessed with plastic drink mixers and so is Carol
One Man's Dream Reopens
New carpet and see thru Lincoln, Figment, Horizons
Clamobile & The Little Mermaid
New Duffy Christmas Tree
Obligatory Duffy mention - donated to Toys For Tots
Duffy is selling out
Holidays @ Walt Disney World
Swan & Dolphin - Worlds Largest Chocolate Santa sculpture.
Almost 3 million calories
See it at http://santasfavoriteresort.com/chocolate.html
Resort Decorations
More Holiday Stuff
Phineas & Ferb at the Osborne Lights
Carol & John aren't familiar with the show and need to do homework.
World Showcase Santas
Gowalla @ Disney
John explains Gowalla
Checkin at hundreds of locations in the parks
John's creepy FourSquare experience
Tron Legacy
Vinylmation with Tron - Not sure we get it but Tron ones look cool
Tron @ Disneyland
Best Of - Counter Service
Carol likes Columbia Harbor House and the upstairs dining. Sunshine Seasons
Mel likes all the Animal Kingdom counter service, Pecos Bill
Ian Yakitori House in Japan @ Epcot, Pecos Bill @ MK
John goes for Fish & Chips @ Rose & Crown, Cosmic Rays for Cheese Steaks,
The Land
Pizza @ Disney - Heartburn on a plate sans Via Napoli & possibly Mama
Check out @INTERCOT on Twitter for pictures
Disney's Golden Oaks Development
Multi million dollar housing development on WDW property
The staff doesn't quite get it and especially the location
DVC Discussion
Land lease or own the land
Sponsor Links:
The Official Ticket Center
Magical Journeys
Walt Disney World Swan &
Dolphin Resort

Sunday Nov 07, 2010
Episode 4 - To Fix Or Not To Fix
Sunday Nov 07, 2010
Sunday Nov 07, 2010
Welcome Carol!
Something Happy @ Ian's Request - Holidays at Walt Disney World and Disneyland
- The parties start soon!
- West Coast vs. East Coast.
- Haunted Mansion, Small World.
- It used to snow in Disneyland - does it still? Carol will check.
- Epcot New Years Eve & Illuminations.
- The Happiest Gathering on INTERCOT (HGOI) - Eyes are glazing over. What was it and when was it?http://www.intercot.com/news/hgoi - Cherry Churros @ Disneyland Park.
- Candlelight Processional - John's never done.
- John doesn't do ADR's.
- Osbourne Fesitval of Lights.
- Value Season - increased weekend rates.
- Animal Kingdom - Lights on the tree?
Extra Magic Hours @ Disney's Animal Kingdom
- What happens after dark.
- Limited attractions - what's left.
- Did John just go Beastly Kingdom?
- Lack of Table Service Restaurant.
The Yeti
- It's broken & has been for a few years now.
- Is it a big deal? Ian and Mel say no. John says FIX IT!
Your Favorite - Restroom - Yes, we did go there.
- John says to stay away from crowds @ Imagination.
- Mel likes decor in a restroom @ Ariel's Grotto (Disneyland).
- Carol likes a theme - the one near Alice in Wonderland (Disneyland) and painted card stalls.
- Ian likes music - Tomorrowland and stainless steel.
- John likes Moaning Myrtle at Wizarding World.
Disneyland vs. Disney World
- Carol likes Disneyland better and hates buses.
- Walking in Walt's Footsteps. You can feel his presence.
- Carol, Mel and Ian like the DL castle, John wants it a little bigger.
- The panel likes Disneyland's Magic Kingdom better - We all feel guilty.
- The $100 Chicken Nuggets @ Club 33
- Everyone loves the New Orleans Square area but we like Mexico Small World too!
- Disney World has more table service options - we prefer WDW for Dining
What Do You Do To Unwind After A Day In The Parks
- Late dinner, lobby & bar at the resort says Carol.
- Ice Cream, Arcades, Electrical Water Pageant, Fireworks from the Resort
- Jellyrolls
- Mel drives home, swimming/pool, laundry
INTERCOT on Twitter
- iPhone 4 Cases
- Obligatory mention of Duffy
One Man's Dream Reopens
- Obligatory mention of Horizons
Sponsor Links: The Official Ticket Center Magical Journeys

Tuesday Oct 26, 2010
Episode 3 - We're Going To Disney World!
Tuesday Oct 26, 2010
Tuesday Oct 26, 2010
Laggy Gary
- get
this episode up quickly in case the Phillies loose - and they did.
Downtown Disney Redevelopment / Demolition
Nautical Theme Coming?
Where do we go for nighttime entertainment?
Welcome to the show Gary!
That is a big lag!
The Hot Dog Hall of Fame… outsourced Redesign.
Disney Dining
The Wave of American Flavors @ Disney’s Contemporary.
The dining experience is very confusing and the food very average.
Bar is neat, the dining area looks like an upscale Denny’s.
Service was good though.
Give me a cheeseburger.
Cosmic Rays Cheese Steaks are back and they’re not bad.
They use Cheese Wiz or a melted cheese that looks and tastes like it!
That’s a cheesesteak??
The Plaza – totally underrated.
Mexico – La Cava del Tequila.
Finger foods and wares are excellent.
Miniature Gift Cards – pop it on your wrist and swipe it around the Food &
Wine Festival.
Food & Wine festival.
Food is fantastic as is the Party For The Senses.
Favorite Epcot Pavilion
Gary likes the United Kingdom/Rose & Crown – Fish & Chips.
Mel likes Japan – Dining and Sushi.
Who is the candy lady?
John likes the Land – Soarin’ and Living With The Land – disappointed in the
new ending of Spaceship Earth.
Ian likes Mexico.
Pictures himself living there in the attraction.
It all comes back to the Dining Plan
Italy, Mexico, Le Cellier
Buffalo Wild Wings and ESPN Club.
Chicken Dingers.
Bus Incident caught on Video @ Disney Studios.
Guest allegedly threw his baby at the bus driver and attempted to strangle
Duffy Redux
The great Duffy Conspiracy - Duffy never stopped being sold.
Only recently pulled him, gave him clothes and rebranded him Duffy.
Ian thinks it’s an epic fail.
John pointed out he never saw more than 4-5 people in line for Duffy.
Has become very vanilla and bland.
We want to spend money but we’ve all cut back.
Ian once bought so much he had to ship it home.
We’ve been having a GREAT TIME despite the Cranky-ness
Despite picking on a few things, we all were enjoying our time there.
Things are in great shape, attendance in high, resorts & rooms are nice.
Love the Tronorail.
Cast Members are FANTASTIC!
The Contemporary Grounds coffee is GOOD!
Bay Lake Towers
Touring the property.
Ian already owns DVC there.
The lost INSIDER tapes – our favorite resorts segment got erased next week.
John likes the refurbished Contemporary Rooms.
Mickey head subtle pattern in the couch.
Ian has a brick – not the ones John and Mel thought though located in back
of the Contemporary.
It IS called Top of the World – Ian was wrong.
John sees matching towers eventually – to make it look less out of place.
The Inferno Barge Guy & his bunker
Mel wishes he was unemployed (she doesn’t like Illuminations in the
Reflections of Earth incarnation.
Gary says Mel wants lasers
Ian gets NLCS tickets – to see the Phillies loose.
That’s a wrap live from the Contemporary Resort.

Saturday Oct 16, 2010
Episode 2 - Where Did The Imagination Go?
Saturday Oct 16, 2010
Saturday Oct 16, 2010
- Too Bad Bob Iger isn't here again
Duffy Mania
- Duffy @ Epcot - Duffy Mania
- Duffy is brought to life
- The Disney Bear didn't catch on last time
- Can't get enough of that wonderful Duff-y
- Ian is ready to take Duffy on a trip
- Exploit the existing properties
- New fangled characters
Imagination Looses Sponsor
- Kodak departs Imagination - can you blame them?
- Who goes there anymore
- We used to love Imagination - The Neon Tunnel
Disney Phone Apps
- +1 for Mel's Seque - Disney Phone Apps
- Ride Hopper - wait time application for iPhone and Android -
- Walt Disney World Wait times for iPhone
- WDW Dining App for iPhone - Ian likes to eat
- Official http://m.disneyworld.go.com mobile site - can we get rid of Go.com - Mel
uses it all the time.
INTERCOT Meet Next Week
- INTERCOT Meet - Friday Oct 22 - 2pm Mexico La Cantina
Toy Story Mania
- Toy Story Mania line - he doesn't get it. Like riding thru Grandma's
basement. He had a giant potato. John gets it - finally.
- New air gates slowing things down, no single rider line
- Your kids will beat you at games eventually
- Tangled Hair Spring? Photoshop that and get it on the site
- Ian's waiting for the Villain's Park
Question from Twitter on Social Media
- Twitter Question (@intercot) - Documenting your trip with social media,
how much to you blog?
- We've lost Ian - come in Chopper 5
- Gary loves twittering - don't put this on the internet
- Ian's infected computer erased the original episode
- Don't eat it - I need to take a picture of that!!
Segment 2
The Disney Dining Plan
- Disney Dining Plan
- Gary's used quick service and full plan - lots of water & juice
- Nescapoop. Can we say poop?
- Ian's belly
- More Busier, Less Staff - Where's my sit-down breakfast?
- I don't want to plan & nothing's available
- We found Olivia's @ Old Key West
- Ian goes with the flow
- The Kona is always full
The Best Of
- The Best of: Restaurants - Gary: Big River Brewery (Rocket Red Ale); Ian:
Chefs de France (Tuna fetish) ; Mel: O'hana ; John: California Grill or Kona
- Gary does a wicked Stitch
- Ian ate an Ostrich
- It's the drink that eats like a meal
Another Question from Twitter on Replacing Something
- What would you replace? Imagination, Entrance to Epcot, Bring back
Horizons, Communicore, Whatever - Mel? Country Bears?
- Duffy's Everywhere!
- Cut your hair on Main Street?
Interactivity in the Parks
- Haunted Mansion Queue - Interactivity? Pooh? Space Mountain, Spaceship
Earth... Ian's old school.
- John does Roz
- +1 for Mel - stepping out to the left
Sponsor Links:
The Official Ticket Center
Magical Journeys

Friday Oct 01, 2010
Episode 1 - Part 2: The INTERCOT Insider Live
Friday Oct 01, 2010
Friday Oct 01, 2010
Disney Press Event
- Ian uploaded his story to the Disney Memories site. Yes, he stayed in the
- Gary thinks it's like watching other people's vacation slides and who
wants to do that.
- Disney's Gary O'Brien
- Everything's a Celebration
- BTW, it's WDW's 39th Birthday, not 40 (our mistake)
- We love the Electrical Water Pageant
- You got a brick, I got a brick
- Destination D
Expansion (FLE)
- Double Dumbo
- The Dreaded Fire Mountain
Disney Hotel @ National Harbor
Universal and Harry Potter
- Disney is being out Disneyed
- Harry Potter & The Forbidden Journey - We saw it coming years ago
- Have the Butterbeer AFTER you go on the ride
- Theming
- Ian's an old man
We've gone way over time
- It all comes back to beer.
Sponsor Links:
The Official Ticket Center
Magical Journeys

Friday Oct 01, 2010
Episode 1 - Part 1: The INTERCOT Insider Live
Friday Oct 01, 2010
Friday Oct 01, 2010
Food and Wine Festival
- 15 Beers for 15 Years.
- New kiosks - Belgum, Singapore & South Korea.
- New restaurant @ Mexico
- Sam Adams Special Brew?
- Join our Tweets @intercot
Disney During the Holidays
- ICOT's Birthday #13
- Villans
- Costumes
- Universal Halloween Horror Nights /
- Doors Being Added
- The Great Tram Controversy
Fanatical Disney Fans
- The Scrims are ruining my trip
- Tomorrowland Music Loop
- Tom Morrow
- Tomrrowland Transit Authority Peoplemover
Cranky Disney Geeks
- Once in a life vacation
- Nostalgia or Obsessive?
- The Layers of a Disney Vacation (Ian loves Mickey Ears)
The Luxury Guide to Walt Disney World
- It all comes back to beer
- Disney Dining Plan - It's a whole other show